Photos of available machines at the lathe bengkel

Hello friends, it's been a long time since I had the opportunity to share my daily photos, because today I have the opportunity or free time I immediately rushed to share some photos of machines in my lathe workshop.

Various kinds of machines that are rarely known and recognized by people who have never entered a lathe workshop. So in this post I will explain the use of the machine one by one.


The overturning machine seems to be the main requirement in the workshop business, this machine brings many benefits with its functions and needs in the world of machinery, this machine is a machine that functions as a rounding or enlarging the diameter of a thirsty/scratched engine cylinder, its usefulness is usually called boringly. The price of this machine ranges from 25 million to 45 million, depending on the brand and sophistication, there are also more than 50 million which are commonly used by large companies.


Large lathe, this lathe is one type of lathe that is larger than other lathes, the advantage of this lathe is that it has a maximum speed, with various uses, one of which is rounding raw iron rods.


The press machine is a machine made specifically to bend sheet metal as desired, in our hands this machine has thousands of uses that we can use, the main thing is to open or remove the crankshaft lava and straighten the bent front shock.

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