Buying my hair dye at @angeleshop with HBD

❣️Hello friends of hive!❣️

❣️Hola amigos de hive!❣️

Cuidar el cabello es importante para mí, siempre he estado pendiente de teñirlo, ya que a consecuencia de las quimioterapias me comenzó a salir con canas, para no fallar en el proceso de ir a varias partes a buscar un tinte para mi cabello, decidí ir de una vez a Angeles Shop, una de nuestras tiendas aliadas destacada por productos del cabello. Les cuento que no me equivoqué y encontré el ideal, a muy buen precio, a decir verdad aquí en Ángeles Shop siempre conseguimos buenos precios y ni hablar de la gran variedad de productos de belleza que tienen en stok.

Este tinte de marca Bossose me costó solo 5 $HBD los cuales pagué desde el escaneo del código QR de la app Keychain Store, una forma muy fácil de realizar nuestros pagos con HBD. Y como siempre esta fue una compra exitosa. Como estamos disfrutando de los descuentos que nos ofrece la nueva app de distriator, luego de pagar abrí la aplicación y reclamé el descuento del 30%, siguiendo los pasos para que este reembolso de 1.50 hbd fuera directamente a mi billetera.

Espero que les haya gustado conocer otra experiencia HBD y distriator, nos leemos pronto!

Buying my hair dye at @angeleshop with HBD!.jpg

Taking care of my hair is important to me, I have always been looking forward to dyeing it, since as a result of chemotherapy I started to get gray hair, in order not to fail in the process of going to several places to look for a dye for my hair, I decided to go at once to Angeles Shop, one of our allied stores highlighted by hair products. I tell you that I was not wrong and I found the ideal one, at a very good price, to tell the truth here in Angeles Shop we always get good prices and not to mention the great variety of beauty products they have in stock.

This Bossose dye cost me only 5 $HBD which I paid by scanning the QR code from the Keychain Store app, a very easy way to make our payments with HBD. And as always this was a successful purchase, As we are enjoying the discounts offered by the new distriator app, after paying I opened the app and claimed the 30% discount, following the steps so that this 1.50 hbd rebate went directly to my wallet.

I hope you enjoyed learning about another HBD and distriator experience, see you soon! 




Photos of my property taken with - Fotos de mi propiedad tomadas con: Redmi phone.
publisher-Editor: "Canva" || Traductor "Deepl" || Video edited in - Video editado en: Capcut || Music - Música: Pixabay

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