High quality headphones, thanks to distriator and my HBDs



¡Saludos hive sucre!

Gracias a mi constancia y al apoyo de distriator.com pude adquirir estos nuevos audífonos.

Estos audífonos qué funcionan vía Bluetooth los adquirí en nuestro aliado comercial, el hato grill, dicho aliado comercial cuenta con gran variedad de productos y servicio que lo convierte en el lugar ideal para hacer cualquier tipo de compras o pasar u. Rato con amigos y familia.

Es mi primera compra en la zona de productos electrónicos y claro que sí está bien surtida esa zona.

Hay de todo en todos los tamaños y preciosos.

En esta ocasión me fui por ese par de auriculares qué me permitieron probar y comparar con otros y vaya que valieron la pena al 100%.

Luego de probarlos me asegure de que funcionaban correctamente y realice mi pago en HBD escaneando el código QR, como de costumbre, un pago sencillo e inmediato.

Y por último aproveché de reclamar mi reembolso atreves de distriator.com de 7.5 HBD

Satisfecho con mi compra, me dirijo a mi hogar a disfrutar de mi nueva adquisición


Greetings hive sucre!

Thanks to my perseverance and the support of distriator.com I was able to acquire these new headphones.

These headphones which work via Bluetooth I acquired them in our commercial ally, the hato grill, this commercial ally has a great variety of products and service that makes it the ideal place to do any kind of shopping or spend u. Rato with friends and family.

It is my first purchase in the electronic products area and of course it is well stocked.

There is everything in all sizes and beautiful.
This time I went for that pair of headphones which allowed me to try and compare with others and wow, they were 100% worth it.

After testing them I made sure they worked properly and made my payment at HBD by scanning the QR code, as usual, a simple and immediate payment.

And finally I took the opportunity to claim my refund through distriator.com for 7.5 HBD.

Satisfied with my purchase, I head home to enjoy my new acquisition.

Todas las fotografías las tomé con mi Samsung A15, las ediciones la elaboré con Canva App y la traducción con DeepL.

All the pictures were taken with my Samsung A15, the edits were made with Canva App and the translation with DeepL.

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