Today I'm making an Isan recipe for mashed mushroom soup.

Hello everyone
Today we will talk about Isaan food, mashed mushroom soup. There are the following, brothers and sisters. Thai people call Isaan people harsh mushrooms. There were hard mushrooms, and mian, there were yardlong beans, lentils, which were lentils, and then there were roasted sesame seeds, then they were roasted and then we pounded them, and then there was chili powder, ground onions, ground mackerel, mackerel. Added from mushroom soup, a food of the Isaan people. He will like it like this. People put it together to make it delicious. Come, brothers and sisters, come eat hard mushroom soup. With my family, the equipment is already prepared. Whatever is done is done. I'll show you how to make the soup. I would take ground mackerel and wind mushrooms or what they call hard mushrooms and put them together and take the long beans that we had chopped up and put them together and then pound them together and add spring onions and coriander and it was a ceremony for the brothers and sisters. Vegetables to eat with include neem, vegetable seeds, and Kathin along the fence. Many vegetables, brothers and sisters Come, when you're done, let's eat delicious Isaan food together.

The only thing missing is mackerel.

This is what mashed mushrooms and nuts will look like.

Ingredients for preparing mashed mushroom soup for Isaan people and Buddhists. Very delicious.

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