Prawn Fish Pakora

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

My dear readers brothers and sisters assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu how are you all I hope by the infinite mercy of Allah all are very well so friends today I have appeared before you with another new recipe today I will share with you a very wonderful recipe. Winter season is going along with Poush month and the fishing season is going on in the field and through this fishing we have got many shrimps but very small but incomparable today I am going to share with you a very wonderful recipe with these small shrimps let's delay Let's start the recipe.

Prawn Fish Pakora


This recipe of mine may be known to many of you and may not be known to many of you, so I thought I would share this recipe with you today. The first thing I did was clean the prawns and prepare them for fishing in Shilpa.


What I did next was to very slowly grind the fish in the seal batter and I used less fani in it because if you use too much water the thing will look bad so I used very less water to grind these prawns nicely.


Apart from the prawn fish batter I have taken a small amount of mosquito nettle and beet and added all the ingredients along with it along with finely chopped green chillies and onions.


What I did with that was chopped onions, green chillies, chopped coriander leaves and a light amount of turmeric and salt and mixed all the ingredients well.


What I did next was to put the pipen in the oven and heat the oil with enough oil in it and I passed the balls round and round.


Then what I did was to lower the flame and slowly fry the sides and sides of the pieces well.

My great recipe is done, I hope you will like it. These pakoras are very delicious to eat with hot rice. If you have some light mashari dal, then there is no problem. My whole family had a lot of fun with these pakoras for lunch. We liked it very much, hope you will like it too, if you like it, please let us know in the comment box.

Wishing everyone to be well and be healthy, I leave here today assalamualaikum rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

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