Jute flower photography

Hello friends, Assalamu Alaikum, how are you all, I hope you are all well by God's grace, I am also well by your prayers and God's grace, Alhamdulillah.

Jute flower photography


We are familiar with many types of flowers in our daily activities in our life, today I will share with you jute flower photography.

Just west of our house my father-in-law planted a huge jute plantation from which we collected enough jute.

Today again I entered the khep to fetch jute leaves, then I saw that there were enough flowers blooming in the trees that I couldn't handle the greed anymore, I came home, took my mobile in hand and went to the jute field again and took a photograph to share with you.




So, friends, jute flowers are usually yellow, these yellow flowers looked incredibly beautiful in the midst of green.

Jute is our country's cash crop and many farmers in our country prosper financially by selling it.

But we don't sell jute we only sell jute leaves. That too to the people of our house and what we bring home to eat we cook and eat ourselves.



Friends, I am sharing photography of jute flowers with you, I hope you will like it, if you like it, don't forget to tell me, I am not writing anymore today, wishing everyone to be well and healthy, I am leaving here today, Allah Hafeez.

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