Eggplant fries

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
My dear readers brothers and sisters assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu how are you all I hope you all are very well by the infinite mercy of Allah Taala so friends today I am going to share a very awesome and new recipe with you I hope you like it so let's not delay Let's start with

Eggplant fries


Although many of you will say that what kind of name is it, I don't even know what to name it, but today I discovered it myself. Maybe you will like it.

So I am telling you first of all what you need to prepare this ingredient is an egg, onion, green pepper, turmeric powder, salt, oil as per your wish.

Then what I did was cut the brinjals into rounds and I shaped it as I wanted, you can give it whatever you want no problem.

After shaping the inside of the eggplant, I cut the things out into small pieces.



After that I mixed the chopped eggplants with enough spices which I had taken onions, green chillies, crushed salt and turmeric together and with that I broke the egg and kneaded it well.


And I spread a light amount of turmeric on the round cut eggplants and put the pipen in the oven and heat the oil nicely and put the eggplants in the oil so that I can fry it well.


The next thing I did was when the oil was hot enough to start frying the eggplant, I dipped the small pieces of eggplant that I had coated with egg into the eggplant one by one.


After that I fried all the pieces nicely purple, you can fry them in small pieces if you want, I fried them as per my requirement, you can fry them as per your requirement.

I like it very much and it is also amazing to eat, so if you want you can try it once. I hope this thing with hot rice, eggplant fries are very delicious.

This was my recipe for today. Hope you like it. If you like it, please let me know in the comment box. If there is any mistake, please forgive me.

I wish everyone to be well and stay healthy. Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

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