Caught Another Snail Today

These days l seems to be enjoying a lot of photos on hive and lt has make me want to be capturing things l see as well that are beautiful, l just realized that lt's fun to do photo taken.

Thereafter, I was in the backyard of the house and l saw another snail, l guessed it ls bigger in sized than the one l saw earlier last week.

The time l saw it, l was not with my phone, so l moved out of the place so gentle, since l didn't want to startled lt so that lt doesn't left the location it was.

As l got inside the house, l quickly grabbed my phone, and l came back to see that lt was still at that spot it was, l was happy, the wall was a good spot as l see it for the photos l was about to take.

so what l do next was to nailed these photos, l went close and l do the work of a professional photographer, l know you might be laughing that l am calling myself a professional, just in few days of photo taken, but sure the photos looks great.

l found out that snails had a great time when lt's rainy season like this, they moved around freely and they feed on so many things as they will get muddy and soft for them to feed on.

As l entered lnto the house and begin writing this post, my instincts was saying l should pursue a course in photography, but l already decided to do music when the time comes.

A lot of snails over here have lines on their shells, and l think most of the snails that has that are the type that will grow very big.

There are a lot of thoughts over here that snail brings good fortune, what's the thought in your location about a snail, ls lt good fortune or another thing ?

lmages are mine.

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