Bitter flower

Hello everyone good evening wherever you are, how are you tonight? Hope you are fine wherever you are.

I'm back here again and on this occasion I want to show you some beautiful shots of the bitter flower. Have you ever seen a bitter plant. For those of you who live in an agricultural environment or often pass along rural roads, you will definitely be familiar with this plant. These plants can grow anywhere, it doesn't have to be a fertile place, so finding these plants is very easy. These plants usually grow in areas such as roadsides, small bushes, edges of rice fields, gardens, cemetery areas, near irrigation and so on. The point is, these plants are everywhere.

This plant grows by itself in the wild without care and is often considered a weed. Without us realizing it, these plants can be beneficial for health, especially for those who suffer from toothache. Even though drugs are all around us, we don't realize it. I know this plant can be a medicine, namely when my sister had a toothache and she tried applying the leaves of the plant to the painful area, and then the pain slowly disappeared. That's where I found out that it was very effective. If you experience something similar, you can try rubbing the leaves of this plant.

So now we return to the main topic, namely the beauty of the flowers of the bitter plant. The flowers are very beautiful, shaped like small white tubes and slightly decorated with reddish purple. This flower made me curious and kept thinking, why don't all the flowers bloom on one stalk. Even though there are several flowers on one stalk, only two flowers bloom at most.

If the flowers bloom at the same time, the appearance will be much more beautiful. Even just a few blooms are very beautiful, especially if they all bloom. So that you are not curious about the beauty of this flower, let's look at it together below👇

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