Flower photography of the White Spider Lily

Today, I went to our backyard to go for a walk and also to see the flowers and check their status. It's been raining a lot lately and although it the plants need water, it won't be good to have a water ponding on the base of the plant. The garden will still require proper maintenance on the soil to make sure that it's suitable for the plant to thrive.

Among the plants that we have in the garden, the White Spider Lily can attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to capture in photographs the visits of butterflies and hummingbirds, I've seen it through my eyes. It was rather quick so I didn't have time to get my camera to capture the moment.

Hopefully, someday I'll be able to capture it.


I think Spider Lily's flower looks nice in a landscaped area because of the curving petals. It looks graceful as the wind blows on it and as it sways from its long stem. This is the kind of flower that gives off a subtle fragrance which is good for people who are sensitive to flowers with strong smells.




This type of flower has many varieties and it can also come with red colored petals. I have seen the other variety of this flower but I bet that it looks nice as well. I prefer the White Spider Lily because it looks simple and elegant.

It gives off a positive feeling around its area.

Have a great day!

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