Homemade family chicken noodles

Hello, today I'm taking you to make chicken noodles for yourself. This recipe is my mother's recipe and makes it at home. Yes, this morning we ate chicken noodles in the morning. My mother's soup didn't add much to it. She made it.

Mother's noodles usually include pickled garlic and water. The soup had normal seasoning because today it was chicken noodle soup. Clear, we will add Knorr chicken cubes, pickled garlic juice and then Seasoned with salt and seasoning powder in the general way. The noodle soup is clear and then we will have seasonings to put in the noodles. That is my mother's green onions, fried garlic and peanuts. I made it by hand. I didn't blend it. If anyone is not comfortable with it, you can. You can blend it with chili powder or Thai chili powder. Put it with noodles and add vinegar to add flavor. Sour. If anyone doesn't want to eat vinegar, add lemon. That's it, we now have my mother's delicious noodle recipe. Yes, Mom, I really like to eat noodles every day. Each time the noodle soup is made, it will never be the same. Some days I want to drink concentrated water. Some days I want to drink concentrated water. Eat plain clear noodle soup. As for the chicken, we boil it. Then my mother would tear it into strips like this for Convenient to eat when we eat and put it in Cup noodles. As for the noodles, there will be

Thai noodles and Malaysian noodles. My mother likes to eat noodles.

Small Thai style noodles, my mother would buy them to put in the refrigerator at home.

All the time, when I'm cooking, I take it out and eat it easily.

How are you? My mother's noodles are nice.

Everyone, would you like to eat?Homemade family chicken noodles

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