Election of OSIS President

The democratic election of OSIS in junior high schools as part of the Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile (P5) Project activities in the Independent Curriculum aims to shape student characters that reflect Pancasila values, such as mutual cooperation, democracy and responsibility.

In this election process, students can learn about democratic principles through direct experience. The process involves stages such as candidate outreach, campaigning, conveying the vision and mission, and voting. OSIS candidates can apply or be nominated, then convey their vision and mission in front of other students. This provides students with the opportunity to learn about the importance of aspirations, good arguments, and respect for differences of opinion.

Next, the students will conduct a secret ballot to select the candidate they consider most suitable. This process teaches the importance of voting rights, fairness, and decision making based on majority vote. After the election is over, the vote count is carried out transparently to ensure fairness and openness in the process.

Through this activity, students not only practice democratic principles, but also understand the importance of active participation in organizational and community life. This is in line with P5's aim to develop a Pancasila student profile with character and global competitiveness.

Best Regards @p3d1

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