My Daily Story 5/11/2023 : Taking photos in various poses of little butterflies caught on grass flowers.


Today at 5:30 p.m. is my usual time to take the kids out to the playground. Today I walked around the playground where there were many grass flowers. One of them will have beautiful small white grass flowers. which has both buds and flowers that have already bloomed. At times like this, I kept my eyes on the grass. Because I thought I'd find some butterflies to photograph today. And it didn't disappoint me because I saw one butterfly that was bigger than any small butterfly I've ever seen these days. It sat on the top of the budding grass.






I slowly sat down and used my phone to take pictures of butterflies and flowers today. I tried to move slowly and gently as I could tell by the little butterfly's careful expression. Sometimes when the wind blows strong the grass and flower tops flutter and the little butterfly uses all its legs to cling tightly to keep from flying away in the wind.
And sometimes its wings fluttered as if they couldn't resist the wind. I tried to take as clear a picture of the little butterfly as possible so that I could share it with my friends today. Before I was able to get the picture you see today, I took dozens of photos.
How are you, friends, when you see my photos of butterflies and grass flowers in this set? I hope everyone will enjoy watching the cute little butterflies and the flowers that will begin to bloom again the next day.
Thank you friends for stopping by to see my article today and I hope you all like it. For today, I have to say goodbye for now. Goodbye everyone.

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