Mustard flower photography

Assalamu Alaikum hope you are all well. Alhamdulillah I am very well. I am here to you with mustard flower photography. These are the flowers I photographed during the winter season. I woke up early in the winter. Then I went to the mustard field in my village area. With my mobile camera. I took this photo as the sun slowly rose during winter.



I wandered around with the cold feeling of winter. Then I photographed them. I like photography very much. But in the winter season when mustard is planted in the ground then this mustard flower blooms. The flowers of this mustard plant are very fragrant and fragrant. Fried eggs with these mustard flowers are very tasty and are very popular among the people of rural areas. This food is prepared and eaten. The scenery of our village becomes more beautiful when the mustard fields are filled in the village. I feel very good in this beautiful nature by photographing them. Which I had the opportunity to never see except in the winter season. Only in winter season we make mustard field. Mustard oil is very beneficial for our body and has many health benefits. Which we are very healthy when it is time to bring mustard to our house then sell this mustard abroad.



I can earn a lot of money by selling mustard. During this time we get winter season. So we made our village with beautiful environment.

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