Today is letter head day

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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Today, after having lunch, I was looking at social media on my mobile, we use Facebook more than social media, at that time I was surprised to see a news on Facebook, after seeing that post, many old memories arose in my mind, I remembered the old days.

This post was by a friend of mine, he wrote that today is letter day, and along with his writing shared many pictures of his old letters, the letters he received from friends and girlfriends at different times, he reminisced about receiving this letter in his post, and Shared many stories of the old days.

After seeing his post I also remember old days, I got letters from many people in student-chamana and I also wrote letters for many people, the letters we received were delivered to us by the post office peon, and the letter we wrote was in an envelope. I have sent the package to the specified address through the post office.

At that time there was no social media and no digital means of communication like today, at that time the only means of communication with distant friends was letters, people used to get news through exchange of letters, sometimes it was sent through a person and sometimes it was sent through the post office. At that time writing letters to other people was a pleasure.

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In today's age no one writes letters due to digital communication medium, everyone uses messenger whatsapp imo and other communication mediums more, people of today will never understand the joyous moments of exchanging letters, the joy of receiving letters and the joy of receiving letters. Tension was a different feeling to it.

Many lovers offered their love by exchanging letters, writing letters in secret, Tithi took great care to ensure that the language was beautiful and organized, often from those who could write good letters, sometimes they used their own names in the letters. Na always used pseudonyms.

After receiving the letter, it was read secretly, and the letter was kept very carefully, so that it would never be lost, the language of the letter was very sweet, many wrote rhymes in the letter, due to the rhythm, the language of many letters was very beautiful, when someone wrote a letter again Had to answer the last letter, wish I could get back the time of that sweet letter exchange.

Thanks everyone for reading my post today.

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