Camping in the wild will get you out of your comfort zone

Hi Hive Lovers

Regardless of the benefits for your mental and physical health from the camping activities you do, when you leave your house to be in the wild, it means you have to give up all the facilities that make you comfortable. You will get out of your comfort zone.

In almost all the camping activities that I have done, I have always avoided camping activities that were facilitated by guides with all the easy facilities they provided. Especially if you have to go to a camping area where they have prepared everything for your needs when you are there. For me, it's just like moving a bed from a bedroom to a tent.

Going out for a camping activity in the wild will always be more fun if you do it with the art of survival out there. You only need to bring a tent and some safety equipment to prepare for some safety risks after being in the wild.

Enjoying the wild atmosphere with all its limitations is an extraordinary sensation. It really feels like a world away from modern life, and you can escape from the many conveniences that you usually enjoy at home.

Several things that I always consider when camping include: first, security. These are the main things that must be considered, especially route safety, camping location, and weather forecast. Second, there are no other people in this location; this is for privacy and comfort, and third, close to water sources, rivers, and lakes are very suitable places for camping activities.

As you can see in some of my photos below, my two friends and I came to a fast-flowing river with unique rock formations, and we came there with only a tent, some simple cooking utensils, personal equipment, and flashlights for lighting.

One thing I never forget when I go camping is that I always bring a set of fishing tools to catch the wild fish there. I think it's very important so that you can get a delicious dinner, so fishing doesn't just become a hobby and a pleasure for me.

We've caught some whitewater bream, which is a bonus for a very tasty dinner when you're out in the wild. Cooking them using dry wood also adds to the deliciousness of our dishes. The taste of your food will far exceed the deliciousness of restaurant food cooked on their electric stoves.

For the rest, you just need to adapt to the wild nature around you. You will feel at one with nature and be assured that nature will provide whatever you need when you arrive there. You will not feel like you are lacking anything because nature always allows you to use anything, but only what you need.

One thing that is very important is to continue to preserve the environment and never throw away any inorganic waste that can damage nature, and I always take my plastic waste home.

The sensation of camping while preparing for all our own needs is much more challenging and fun.

You should try it if you have never done it before.

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