My activities when holding a girls tug of war competition at school

hello, good afternoon, welcome to meeting me again in this widest community, what's up, how are you, friends, of course all of you are always in good health so you can carry out your activities as usual. And hopefully today's activities will get results according to what we have hoped for.

on this occasion I will share some very special and very interesting pictures of course still with my activities a few days ago when I was at school and held a symbol and tug of war event. This time what I am showing is the women's tug of war which is very exciting and very interesting and there is also one from Grambang Putra which is very interesting too.

in the photos below, I show the students participating in holding or competing in mining dances and whoever is strong is the one who wins the competition and as I have read before, in our school almost and every year it can be said to beat the competition event. students where these students will take part in various competition events held at school.

and among the competitions that we hold are volleyball competitions between students and also football competitions and also long distance running competitions and one more thing that is very interesting is the tug of war competition between students in that class. Each class chooses and shows 2000 which will be participants in a tug of war from students and one more song from female students.

and during the competition all the female students will be present at the football field which is not far from our school and all students are required to wear sports uniforms and they are okay to be spectators and also to be supporters and also to be players. Basically, this event is very exciting and very interesting. all the students were cheerful and happy at the event.

and after the competitions held by the school take place, the participants who become champions or the groups that become the votes will be given very attractive prizes by the school with trophy profiles and also gifts as well as an amount of cash given by the school to they.

OK, friends, here we go, let's look at some pictures about my activities a few days ago in holding a Puri tug-of-war competition at school. I hope my friends will be entertained by reading them and will like them.

that's what I can write in this post and some pictures about my activities a few days ago. I hope this post is useful for all of us and thank you for the visit and support from all my friends and finally see you in my next post of course at this greatest community
have a great activity
good luck for the future

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