Dutch General Died In The Aceh War

Major General Johanes Ludovicus Jacobus Hubertus Pel took part in the Second Agression. The he became the Commander of the army and finally took over van Swieten’s position, acting as the First Civil and Military Governor of Aceh (1874 – 1876).
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General Pel's grave in Peucut Kerkoff

He died in the bivouac of Tunggay, Lamnyong, Banda Aceh, on February 24 or 25, 1876, and was buried in Peucut Kerkhoff, Banda Aceh.
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The other side of General Pel's grave

Jenderal Belanda Tewas Dalam Perang Aceh
Mayor Jenderal Johanes Ludovicus Jacobus Hubertus Pel. Opsir yang turut dalam Agresi Kedua, kemudian menjadi salah seorang komandan pasukan tempur. Lalu menjabat selaku Penguasa Sipil dan Militer Aceh (1874 – 1876) menggantikan van Swieten.
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Kuburan Jenderal Pel di Peucut Kekhoff

Dia meninggal di bivak Tunggay, Lamnyong, Banda Aceh pada 24 menjelang 25 Februari 1876, dan dikuburkan di Peucut Kerkhoff, Banda Aceh.
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