My Mom Flower Collection #1 - Adenium obesum (Desert Rose)

Hi Everyone, For the last 2 posts, I've been posted about things that related to sunset with sea view. For today's post, I'm gonna share about my mom's flower collection. It's been a while since the last time I go back home, and this afternoon, I notice my mom's flower collection is getting more and more diverse. On this occasion, I will share some pictures of the Adenium obesum flower or as known as Desert Rose.

This flower is a plant that is commonly used as a houseplant in our area. But when I tried to find additional references on the internet, I found that this type of plant is a poisonous species. This plant produces a sap in its roots and stems that contain cardiac glycosides. The sap is commonly used as arrow poison for hunting large game throughout much of Africa and as a fish toxin.

Adenium obesum has 5 petals on each flower and the color is a deep pink which fades the deeper the flower gets. Usually, I find this flower in a wilted state, but this afternoon, I found it in perfect bloom. So I took my phone and capture some pictures of the flower. Here I share some of the flower's pictures, hope you all like it.









All photos taken with iPhone XR

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