beautiful duck bird

I keep several ducks on the property at home which I still do traditionally. In this livestock system. My ducks will be grazed to water sources such as rice fields or swamps. In that place the ducks can get food in the form of leftover rice. grains and small fish.

The process of grazing ducks takes place from early morning. In the afternoon the ducks will be herded back to the pen. The cage that I use on this farm is fairly simple and ordinary. On this laying duck farm, I will harvest the eggs before or after the ducks are grazed.

Unique. The traditional system for raising ducks is that I only graze them at certain times, namely after the rice harvest. I carry out duck farming activities in the production center area after the rice harvest.

Basically, every method of raising livestock has advantages and disadvantages. Likewise with raising ducks traditionally, I have experienced several advantages and disadvantages of raising ducks traditionally.

Excess. Raising ducks or ducks does not require large capital. This is because the cage used is simple so the capital to make the cage is not too large.

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Besides that. Farmers do not need to prepare feed because the ducks find their own food and drink in the grazing area. Of course, this makes operational costs very minimal. This is because feed is a need that must be met every day so the cost of feed greatly influences the capital required.

Lack. Even though the capital required is small. in terms of time and labor it is inefficient. Workers must look after the ducks during the grazing period from morning to evening. Duck growth is not optimal because the feed consumed by ducks cannot be controlled. Growth that is not optimal causes production results to be less than optimal and duck health is also not controlled.

Ducks can only be grazed during the rice harvest season so livestock activities are very dependent on rice planting activities. I do this farming method in a rice production center, the food sources available for ducks are very limited.

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