Praying That Day

I need to scour my old files to find some photos that I think I had never posted before, here on Hive. I don't have many photos left in my possession, and now my camera is away from me, as I put it in my workplace, because there is a little change of plan in my working schedule, my boss give me more day off, and without my camera, I can't go out to get more insect to photograph.

In the post today, I have these rather old photos I took when I went to the cemetery temple with my wife to pray. I didn't take many photos, and I could not find the idea of what to write about it to be shared here on Hive. But since now I don't have many options left, so then these old photos got their chance. : )

Here are a glimpse of the cemetery temple that I have here in my traditional village, and the temple can vary from one village to the other.

Here is the entrance of the main temple, with a demonic statue and then a shrine.


Here is the main temple from the side. Unfortunately, I didn't take the photos from the front side of the temple.


Here is another shrine inside the main temple.


A big scary statue outside of the main temple.


Stepping on the human skull.


And the last one is my wife praying in front of this shrine which is still part of the Cemetary temple.


Photo StylemixPhotographyAccesorynone
LocationBali, Indonesianatural light
GearInfinix note 30 ProDiffusernone

I am a Balinese man, a father of a toddler son, working in the hospitality industry, who has recently found a passion for macro photography. I want to share the photos that I've taken here on Hive. I appreciate any comments or feedback you leave on my posts and kindly invite you to be part of my journey in this vast Hive Ocean. Thank you very much
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