Mango silver in our roof garden

My greetings and best wishes to you dear hive friends,I am very happy to share the mangoes from our roof garden with you today.I have planted a variety of vegetables and fruits on my roof and now I am eating fresh fruits and vegetables from them.Unadulterated vegetables and fruits are now on my roof,There are innumerable mangoes in bunches on the mango tree. From there we eat mangoes together with my friends.Mango season is in our country now and when I eat it from my own handmade garden, it tastes different and its satisfaction is different.



Delicious and juicy mango silver
Original picture taken with my mobile.

photographer ---- @eagle2
photography ----- Nature Mango silver
camara mobile --- Redmi note 5A prime
location ------ monohardi Bangladesh
post used CCH Community
Thank everyone @eagle2

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