thistle flower

On a sunny afternoon, it grows wild on the river bank near the rice fields. I observe and pay attention to this flower why this flower is so different, there is beauty and uniqueness in its appearance. The shape of the flowers is round and has sharp spikes, the combination of brownish and yellow colors gives a different beauty to this grass flower.

Thorn grass flowers will fall during the dry season because they cannot withstand the heat of the sun. Thistles prefer cool air temperatures accompanied by wet and moist soil.

During the rainy season, thorny grass flowers will grow abundantly and spread quickly.

In the morning the thorn grass flowers will drip dew from the cool night air. Ants and insects do not attack and like thistles because there is no nutritional source of flower essence that can be used as food for ants and insects.

Ducks and chickens also don't like thistle flowers. Buffaloes, cows, goats and sheep really like thistle flowers because they are their food. Thorn grass flowers are easy to find because they often grow in lowland areas on the edges of rice fields and waterways.

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