Enjoy The View of Krueng Aceh On The Street Aceh Polytechnic To Pango Raya


Today's walk took me back to the Pango area. I've been visiting this area a lot in the last few months. The office that previously is the homebase of Aceh Hijau Party or in bahasa it calls Partai Aceh Hijau (PAH), now it has turned into an online media office called @acehsatu.com, is the place I heading to. The owner of this online media is my friend. Abu Yus, as I called him, invited me to join him. There are several activities that we will do. So I often go back and forth to Pango to discuss the program we will be working on.

The route on the edge of Krueng Aceh, which is quiet from the crowds of vehicles, is the best choice to get to Pango. The traffic is relatively quiet, green views on the left and right of the road, plus a cool atmosphere protected from the sun. I always take this route to avoid traffic jams. Beautiful scenery is certainly something that can trigger fresh ideas to be executed in this post. As today, I stopped for a moment to take a moment of the view of the Aceh Polytechnic campus and the view across from it. Fresh green view of the Krueng Aceh river.

The Pictures of Building Aceh Polytechnic Campus


Aceh Polytechnic is a private university located on Jl. Aceh Polytechnic, Pango Raya Village, Kec. Ulee Kareng, Banda Aceh. This college is an educational institution at the D-3 level that is practically oriented in the fields of Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, and Accounting which is aligned with the competency needs of industrial workers. (Wikipedia)


This college was founded on the initiative of the Banda Aceh City Government in collaboration with the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency, USAID, CHF International, and Chevron Corporation. Its development is supported by Swiss Contact. The education system is entrusted to the ATMI Surakarta Polytechnic and Bandung State Manufacturing Polytechnic. (Wikipedia)





There wasn't any activity seen on campus today. The wide open gate allowed me to freely enter to take some photos. The parking lot was empty. There was only one car in the parking lot. The impact of COVID, which has not yet subsided, is the main reason why educational institutions are prohibited from operating as usual. I don't know when all this will end. Hopefully we can all avoid the things we don't want. Hopefully this epidemic will pass soon and we can all carry on as usual.

The Greeny View Of The Krueng Aceh River Bank


This river of pride for residents of the capital has a length of 145 kilometers stretching from the upstream of Krueng Aceh in Jantho, Aceh Besar. Its estuary reaches the coast of the city of Banda Aceh, precisely in Gampong Java. Several other rivers in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar emptied into this river, such as Krueng Seulimum, Krueng Jreue, Krueng Keumireu, Krueng Inong, Krueng Leungpaga, and Krueng Daroy.






During the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam, Krueng Aceh was one of the busiest rivers. This can be seen from the entry and exit routes of merchant ships from various parts of the world. It was from this river that various Acehnese spices were brought out for international trade. No wonder the river that divides the city of Banda Aceh has a special meaning for the people of trade. No wonder the river that divides the city of Banda Aceh has a special meaning for the people of Aceh.




Krueng Aceh's position in the Lambhuk and Beurawe areas was not as straight as it is now. At first, it was a typical meandering river. At the initiative of the central and regional governments at that time, the river channel was made neater. Of course, this is a bonus when Krueng Aceh later becomes a river transportasi.

Closing Paragraf

Hivers friends, this is my post today. Previously I wanted to provide a little information about the last three photos that still have a watermark on them. I took the three documentation photos some time ago. While the other is a photo documentation that I took today. I have removed the watermark. I see that there are many photos of friends who are active in this community do not use a watermark. Thank you to all who are willing to stop by in this post. Wish you all always healthy and see you in the next post.


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