How to Make Amazing Paper Rose

Hello Everyone!
Today I make an amazing rose. The flower is made with 18 paper pieces of the same size. Shape 12 pink paper pieces as rose petals and 6 green paper pieces as sepals. So need to fold a lot of paper for that flower. Have to be patient when attaching them.

Cut the pink paper by the same length and width with 10cm. Fold it step by step as shown in the picture. The last step is to turn the four edges. In the same way, 18 pieces of paper are made.

At first, 6 paper pieces must be attached together. Need to join 2 pieces of paper and join each side of the two pieces again. Add another paper pieces in the same way.

Attach the remaining 6 pink paper pieces in this step. It must be added in place of the previously attached edges. Join each three pink paper edges together again.

Each piece of green paper is attached in place of the previously attached edges. After adding 6 pieces of green paper, join one pink edge and two green edges together.

I really like that flower because it is amazingly beautiful. I also take beautiful pictures. Thank you so much for your reading my post to the end.

May 20, 2024
Written by @asterkame
By my photo & made by me

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