Zikir together

Hi friends, on this occasion I want to share some photos that I took today, today as usual I post for today

Today I want to post a photo that I took earlier after the Maghrib prayer, this is an annual event on the night of the birth of our prophet Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

Commemorating the big day, namely his birthday with dhikr and prayers led by the village ustadz in this place, the community is very enthusiastic to attend, including children

Everyone is very enthusiastic about attending the dhikr which is held from after Maghrib until 08.00, there are many visitors who dhikr at our mosque, then after the Isha prayer

Then the rice that has been given by the community to the mosque is distributed for one family, several packages, then after Isya it is distributed to all who come

This mosque often holds dhikr and prayers and Islamic speeches for dhikr every Saturday morning led by our Ustadz, then dhikr for the safety of all of us on Tuesday night

Then on Friday night read Alquran together with three times khatam Surah Yasin that's how every week this mosque runs is located next to Jalan Medan Banda Aceh

which makes its location very strategic to visit also the mosque is spacious yard beautiful and clean place there is also a Hall to rest for those who want to rest

a few weeks ago died one of the mosque committee who had long devoted himself to this mosque he had been sick for months and was finally taken to one of the hospitals in Banda Aceh

there the most elite hospital in Aceh there below there are several months Then he died on Friday and was immediately buried that night so as not to be waited for anymore

right that night it was also raining heavily so also drove the body directly in the pouring rain funeral prayer together in this mosque then the introductory lecture was immediately delivered to the final resting place

that's my post On this occasion don't forget to keep an eye on my next post Thank you see you again

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