Green Nettle Beetles are Mating


Hello my friends in the CCH community
How are you all here! I wish you all good health wherever you are. Today I'm back to presenting some of my macro images to all of you in the CCH community. If you often climb and go to the forest, of course, this type of beetle is familiar to you. We often find this beetle perched on tree leaves.

Apakabar kalian semua di sini! Saya berharap kalian dalam keadaan sehat dimanapun kalian berada. Hari ini aku kembali menghadirkan beberapa gambar makro saya kepada kalian semua di komunitas CCH. Jika kalian sering mendaki dan pergi kehutan, tentu jenis kumbang ini tidak asing lagi bagi kalian. Sering kita jumpai kumbang ini hinggap di daun-daun pohon.

Previously I also found beetles, but before that, I found only one. But today, I found two beetles. What is unique is that I found them mating. I think this is really unique. Because very rarely do we find moments like this. Here are some pictures of mating beetles that I would like to show you all. Hope you guys like it.

Sebelumnya saya juga menemukan kumbang, namun yang sebelumnya, saya menemukan hanya seekor. Akan tetapi hari ini, saya menemukannnya dua ekor kumbang. Yang uniknya, saya menemukan mereka sedang kawin. Saya pikir ini benar-benar unik. Karena sangat jarang kita menemukan momen seperti ini. Inilah beberapa gambar kumbang sedang kawin yang ingin saya tunjukkan kepada kalian semua. Semoga kalian menyukainya.










Posts about the life of all types of insects in nature

Thank you to friends who always support my activities in seeing all forms of insect life activities that live in the Acehnese nature.

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