Visiting the Steemit Beta Site: There's Actually a Community Called "Kittens!"

Just a short "test" post this evening, because I was playing around a bit on the Steemit "Beta site" where you can actually "test drive" the new interface — which will include the new "Communities" features.

Mostly, what I wanted to share with everyone is that there is actually a community called "Kittens!"

CuratorCat at 9 weeks old...

So I thought I would check it out and send a test post through, with some pictures of myself as a wee kitten!

Seems to be a not very used community (yet!) but I figured maybe we cat lovers could all kick a little life into it... it's already Caturday in some parts of the world!

Here's another kitten shot of mine, from about the same time:

On the couch, being "fierce!"

Happy early Caturday to everyone!

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