Understanding true freedom and responsibility

Freedom is the ability to make choices and live our lives without unnecessary restrictions or control from others. Freedom means having autonomy to determine our own thoughts beliefs and actions.

I remember when I was still younger, my parents gave me very little freedom. I wasn't able to go where I wanted when I want, I couldn't eat what I wanted, do or wear what I wanted. As I grew older, I was given more freedom and sometimes when I sit and think about it, I sometimes wish I wasn't given that much freedom, because I have to take responsibilities for my actions.

Is freedom same as licentiousness?
I don't believe that freedom is the same as licentiousness, which is the unrestrained or excessive indulgence of one's desires and impulses. When we talk about true freedom, it means taking responsibility for our actions and respecting the rights and well-being of those around us. By embracing responsibility, individuals can exercise their freedom in a way that is both empowering and considerate, creating a balance between personal liberty and collective well-being.

Freedom is not about doing whatever we want without thinking about the consequences, it's about having the opportunity to pursue our dreams, express ourselves, and live according to our own values - while also recognizing that our freedom ends where it starts to infringe on the freedom of others.

We want the liberty to make our own decisions and choices but not at the expense of harming or oppressing others. Freedom is all about being able to choose our own paths, and also being accountable for the consequences our choices and decisions have on the world and the people in it.

Freedom is about being able to live authentically and fulfill our potential as human beings. It's about having space to learn, grow and become the best version of ourselves.
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