Always choose what is right even when it's hard

I remember when I was in secondary, anytime my Economics teacher sees me she will say to me, "stop frowning and smile more often" and I'll reply her telling her "I'm not frowning". She will say 'it takes a lot of muscles and energy to frown and less to smile'. At the moment I didn't realize what she meant. As I grew older I got to understand what she meant by that.

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It is easier to be bad or go against the common good, while doing the right thing can be hard. Being bad or selfish is often the path of least resistance. It might mean lying to get out of trouble, taking something that is not yours or ignoring someone that needs help. Making these choices can fell easier at the moment and save you time, stress and discomfort.

Doing the right thing or being good on the other hand usually requires a lot from us. It means owning up to your mistake or helping someone out even when you're too busy or very exhausted.

To decide to do the right thing can be really scary, yes, you'll be criticized for doing what is right, but here's the thing most people don't know - while being good is harder, it feels better in the long run. Doing the right thing builds self-respect. It strengthens relationships and creates trust.

Making bad choices is definitely easier but know that it leads to lack of trust, broken relationships and trust and more problems.

I know the easier path is always tempting but doing what is right is always the best. Doing what is right even when it is hard will definitely help us to grow into better people.

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