The Best Gift I have ever received

The best gift I've ever received was a set of clothes from a woman back in school. Yearly we organized a love feast party where students come together to celebrate themselves and it was a culture among the students to pick a student's name randomly. Whoever a student picks, he buys him or her a gift which is given to them on the love feast day. One has no knowledge of who picked their name until that day. So aside from the gifts, students are also encouraged to pray in close doors and in the comfort of their room .

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The day finally came after months of waiting. I got my gift and wrapped it for a presentation. Whoever is called out, calls the name of the person he had picked and gives them the gift they've wrapped. They kept calling until it was my turn. The woman presented it to me while saying a prayer. I didn't know what was inside even though I could feel it from the wrapped sheet. I waited until I got to the hostel to unveil it and I was surprised to see a quality clothing material. I was really glad because at that time I wanted to sew a native wear but I was finding it difficult to go get one..

I still thanked her after unveiling what she gave me and she was happy to know I appreciated the gift. I sewed the cloth after I traveled home and it looked good on me. Unfortunately, the cloth was stolen after some months but it stood out as the best gift I've ever received.

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