Exploring through freedom

Hello everyone.
Glad to be here


Different people have different concepts about freedom and that of licentiousness. Freedom i would say it's a liberty a person has to choose the path of his/her life. It's a person's power or right to act, speak, or think without undue restriction. It also encompasses the ability to make choices, expression of oneself, as well as living a life according to their values and principles, as long as it doesn't harm others. Licentiousness is also seen as lack of morality, which would lead to excessive and harmful behavior to the individual or the society at large.

Freedom is also a form of exploration and understanding the concept of reality and facing it with boldness, allowing us to make choices, taking effective decisions as well as taking responsibility for the decisions taken, knowing that whatever choices we make will influence our future either negatively or positively.
Also we should understand that in making these choices it wouldn't disregard the social norms, conventions, and the well-being of others as well as the society.

Although many times we capitalize negatively on freedom, acting awfully and indulging in activities that becomes a problem to us unknowingly and the society at large, rather than building positivity from it.

Being independent (freedom) is a school which teaches us many things, at first the excitement of being free from our parents or guidance watch could make us act awful most times and when we realize our mistake that could serve as a lesson to those who wish to learn from them, because trying to accept our mistakes will teach us valuable lessons which will in turn help in shaping our personalities and building better version of ourselves.

Freedom allows us to choose our own path in life as I've already said and licentiousness might lead us to disregard the rights and feelings of others in pursuit of our desires which might become a problem. Freedom is meant to bring peace, and positive vibes to us and the society and not another way round.

So freedom is not the same thing as licentiousness.

This is my response to this week's contest topic on freedom.

Thank you for reading through ❤️
Still remain @pricelessudy

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