Conflicting Issues Of Humanity; Being Good Or Bad

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Most of the time, it's never our intention to be bad, but there are factors that drive that in us, such as personal values, circumstances, and some even through motivations. We all have prices to pay for whatever we choose as far as life is concerned.

I often say to my friend that it's good to be good, and it's a seed that is planted, and the seed of goodness that is planted today will grow, bear fruits and we will harvest it tomorrow, although it's not that easy to be good because it often requires effort, self-awareness, and our intentionality. It involves considering other's needs, feelings and well-being to ourselves, and this can be challenging most times. Goodness is one factor that requires empathy, kindness, and self-control, and it can be difficult to maintain consistently. And we should be conscious of the fact that whatever we plant we are going to reap it in due time.


I would say that being bad may be easier because it can be more instinctual and may require less effort or thought, compared to being good as being bad may be driven by impulses or self-interest, self-centered or being selfish, although this doesn't mean being bad is inherently easier or more desirable.

Although most people always look for excuses to justify their bad action or behavior, some would do that because they want to fulfill their aims or plan in a simple way (short cut) rather than being good that demands much effort to be fulfilled. But no matter the reason we may have, evil or bad attitude or character will always bounce back. Another factor that most people choose doing evil is having an uncontrolled desire. Sometimes people may go extra mile in engaging in evil rather than good just to get their desires fulfilled and that is very risky, because most of them don't enjoy the outcome.

Being good often gives positive outcomes, like building strong relationships, having a clear conscience which is paramount, while being bad might offer short-term gains or instant gratification and ultimately give negative consequences and destructive outcomes. Although often times it's the situation of life that pushes one into the bad track, some caused by betrayal of some friends, but in all that's not enough reason why we should be bad. The fact and sincere truth remains that it's hard to be good when no one dares to be good, and be bad when no one has the will to be bad. Although the easiest thing to do is to do nothing and neither.
Being good might be challenging because some might not reciprocate nor appreciate our goodness and that might be a bit challenging, but even with that it's often more rewarding and beneficial in the long run.

People may opt for doing bad rather than good, because in most cases bad things outweigh the good just because of some lazy nature that can be handled and teamed.

So in all, i would say doing good pays although it's not that easy because it often requires sacrifice and that is being selfless, while being bad is also easy but the outcome is not always pleasant.

It's easier to be bad, but it's better to be good.

Thank you for reading to the end ♥️

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