The Competitive Edge

Hello, beautiful people! Welcome to my blog. It's a pleasure to have you in this space. Once again, welcome 🤗

Competition is good when it's healthy, though sometimes it can also be so intimidating, but one can also leverage on it as a powerful force for growth.

I can't remember being in a competition with anyone, but I remember someone being in a competition with me.

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Sometime in 2013 when the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) went on a 6-month strike, I was so bored at home; my dad was not giving me that much money I needed; I was only getting money for my basic needs. So I decided to do something to earn money. My aunt had a small shop in front of our house, so I started frying snacks (puff puffs) to sell.

The sale was good as people were patronizing me, and before 2 p.m. I had already sold out. I was so happy, then all of a sudden I noticed the patronage reduced, and when I made an inquiry, I was told that a woman in my area started selling puff puff too, so people started patronizing her instead, and then I went further to know what it was about her own puff puff that made all my customers to leave me. I found out that it was because of tribe and religion. A lot of people in the area were all of the same tribe and faith.

So I changed what I was selling, and I started making hibiscus drinks (zobo drinks), and people were patronizing me because the weather was hot, so they needed something chill to take.

Again, my sales reduced, and I found out that that same woman had stopped frying puff puff and had started selling hibiscus drinks, and since ASUU had called off the strike, I just stopped the business.

I was later told that she also stopped selling hibiscus drinks and started selling something else.

I think one way to deal with competition is to accept it as a natural part of life.

In order to achieve success in a competitive environment, one needs to define their nitch and set clear goals and priorities.


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