QC Community Weekly Contest #85

While we all have different things we believe in, I believe that sometimes things can come into our lives when we are ready for them but the majority of what come to our lives are things that we are not ready for.

Is very impossible to be completely prepared for everything life throws at us. Yes but that would be possible if we have a foresight about the future, other than that, lots of things happen in our life when we least expect it.

Some things that happen in our lives can also be things we are ready for. It can be in different forms. Mentally, emotional or physically. For example, someone who wants to graduate with a good grade and has been working very hard towards it would have this idea of graduating from college with a good grade and when it happens he knows it wasn't a surprise but something he was truly ready for.


In order to accept what life throws at us, we have to be prepared for the worst and accept it with the right mindset. Sometimes, when life throws certain unexpected things at me, I just have to strategize and sort it out, learn from the experience and move on. Adaptation is the number step to challenging whatever life throws at us. We have to adapt and do what we need to do.

No matter how challenging the issue or situation may look, it's necessary for one to know how to manage it and overcome it. This helps our personal growth and expand our life experiences.

Just today, we visited a member who is currently facing some health issues. I'm sure she never foresees that, no one can expect health problems when there is no prior sign of it. But when cases like that occur, we are forced to adapt and find a means to get better.

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