Do the opposite of Selfishness and build a better society. Qc #100

In a society where we live, people tend to focus more on things that will grant growth to their status alone.

The world has almost kicked the word “SUPPORT” out of the context, people only strive to get it all alone with no regards of how well others are.

So therefore the welfare of others doesn't really matter as much as whatever that is concerning one is met, the support of others doesn't really matter or should I say they don't really care about the support people give to them.

So If I must say, I will say “We live in a selfish world where everyone wants to be heard, seen and known regardless of whatever it will take.”

But there is something amazing about selfish people.


They tend to forget that even the act of being selfish needs support from people to help them achieve their selfish goal.

It's just like a game of football, a player who is selfish definitely wants to achieve alone, making his name popular and well known forgetting the fact that he is not alone on the pitch.

He tries to do it alone but then other players try to involve him just to ensure that they win at the end of the game even if the winning comes through him which is what the selfish ones will always like, but then other players don't mind how it comes

But no matter what “support” is still the best in all that is done to keep humanity moving.

Selflessness is the key to a better society, if we must get it right then we will have to think less of ourselves and put more of other people at heart with that we can get to live a comfortable lifestyle without the fear of being hurt or being cheated with this crop producers will cultivate and give at a very cheap and affordable rate people who render services will do that without charging an outrageous bill and life will give a lot of meaning to everyone.

Only when we support each other life will be more simple depression will subside and also the suicide cases will have to subside or even stop totally.

As most cases of suicides come from the inability to aquire some basic amenities, which you find another accumulating such with the best intrest of just himself and that of his family not minding if others have to die even when he has surplus of it.

Make the world a better place by supporting one another.

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