QC Community Weekly Contest #99/Freedom



Freedom is what everyone need, even animals need freedom that is why, if you open your dog house without a chain in the neck, it will take you time to him back. There have been so many wars because of freedom. Let's now know more about freedom by considering this week contest topic.

Freedom - What is your concept of freedom? Do you think freedom is the same as licentiousness?

What is freedom?

The word freedom means your right to do something or say something without anyone interrupting you. Life free from necessity. Example is freedom of speech, when you give someone freedom of speech, it means you want that person to everything that is bordering him are air all his feelings.

Why do people seek freedom?

When people feel that they are been controlled, They suppressed, they have no right again over what belonged to them. They seek for freedom because freedom will help them to build a life they want, build their economy , maximize their welfare. When this is achieved,they feel satisfied.

My concept about freedom

I want the ability to make choices on my own,live a life of my own not someone's life. I want to pursue happiness without oppression, at the same time respect rights of others and their dignity. I want
to make decisions and choices without coercion or manipulation. Have freeness of speech that is expressing my thoughts, my opinions, and my creativity.

Personal growth is another important part of freedom, will pursue knowledge, skills, and experiences without any restrictions. The ability to move freely and explore the world without limitations. I want freedom in choosing my community, relationship and affirmations.

I want to control my personal information, freedom of worship without persecution , I want to enjoy equal right, opportunities, treatment regardless of my tribe, gender or my background. I want to be responsible for my actions and decisions and face consequences of my actions.

Although we can not get freedom in everything, it must give everyone equal right to life, fair hearing, freedom of speech, freedom of worship, right to education, healthcare, right to buy properties any where in the world, build and live.

Freedom is different from licentiousness

When freedom is giving to someone, it doesn't mean to abuse it. For example, God gave us freedom of speech but does not want us to engage in harmful gossip or lying, He want us to use for his praises. Likewise one should not engage in immoral conduct because he has freedom. There should be control in whatever we do knowing that we are accountable for all that we do.

Another example is food, that our favorite food is cooked does not mean we should finish all in the port as we know the consequence of overeating. There should be moderation in all we do, that shows we appreciate the freedom we have.

Why moderation is important

Moderation is important in everything we do in life as it enhance the overall quality of life. It promtes healthier habits and doesn't allow for excess. It helps one to be mindful and thoughtful of everything he want to do. When we do things in moderation, it will grant us the opportunity to get more freedom .

In conclusion, we all learn for freedom , if we have freedom, we should not abuse it

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