The Best Gift I have ever received

The best gift I have ever received was a pair of shoes. It came as a total surprise from a friend who appreciated me for a deed I couldn't remember. After his graduation from high school, he returned home and called me one morning to join him in getting some things he needed in the market. At first I wondered why he needed me to help him make selections, but waved at the thought. I believed he just wanted me around , a habit that is common with him. So I told him I was free the next Monday and I went to go meet him.

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We walked around the market getting the things he needed and after he was done. He asked me which shoe I liked. Casually I pointed at one and he told me to test it and it fitted me, then he paid for it and told me it's now mine. I couldn't believe it. At that time I had just one pair of shoes, adding a new one made me feel happy. It wasn't that expensive but I cherished the fact that he could take out a little from the small he has to get me something. I know him to be managing , but he still went the extra mile to get me a shoe. It meant a lot to me .

I got the shoe about two years ago and till today I'm still using the shoe. It's a simple shoe that everyone appreciates whenever they see me dress in it. Through his gesture I realized one doesn't need to have an abundance before he can give. Even from the little we can.

This is in response to the Contest by the @queercoin community. The contest is still valid for participation

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