Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light 🚦

Hey gamerz we’re back, update time. We were hoping our next post would've been some video content of the gaming tournament at NFT LV Con, but due to time constraints, our collaboration tournament with BlvkHvnd/Stadium Gaming this past weekend was postponed. Ultimately, all parties agreed it was a better idea to push back until October.

Going into it everyone was optimistic we could pull it off, even though all the pieces didn't come together until a little over a month before the event. Putting together an eSports tournament in that small of a time window can be done, but we are all about High Quality and not sacraficing quality for the sake of forcing an event.

Great news for Ultimate GamerZ though, the Notoriety (the venue) and Blvkhvnd gaming are still on board, and now we have more time to be show room ready. First impressions are pivotal, and we want to be on point!

Some of our partners from the Future Proof Org project still made the trip and were able to build some great relationships. Not only that, @thehfactor (one of our advisors) & @niaumoja were speakers at the event.
Be on the lookout for their intro posts soon. @opinizeunltd is getting them acclimated to HIVE as we speak, and also prepping the rollout of the Future Proof community.



In the meantime while the team is back in the lab organizing for the October online tourney. UGZ wants to take this opportunity to serve 🆙 our version of a BLT, Beta Launch Tournament. At current development, our environment can only house around 30 gamerz. That breaks down to roughly 10 streamers and 20 spectators.

If you weren't able to piece it together by the pic from our intro post, Ultimate GamerZ is a game streaming metaverse. So instead of being in a boring chat room, engaging through text, we're creating a gamified environment where the viewers can interact on a whole different level.

For our 1st @threespeak post, here's a clip showing where we were roughly a month ago.

We for sure want some gamers/streamers from HIVE to participate in the tourney, so we're brainstorming ways to make it worth your while. Once a date has been set we'll drop another update here.

Stay tuned for specs on the tournament sign up, prizes, and more!!

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