"This was originally posted in the OCD Community."

CHALLENGE! STEEM: The Honey Badger of Communities

Created by @sgt-dan with GIMP Software

So @anomadsoul has presented us with a challenge in order to proclaim...

You can buy stake and a company, but you will never buy a Community.

The only good thing that has come out of this mess, that I term #SNAFU (Steem Now All Fouled Up), is the attention our blockchain has gained in the crypto sphere. STEEM has received a great deal of press in crypto-centric online publications and the acquisition of STEEM has been featured in Yahoo™ Business News!

We have had New Steem (coined by @whatsup) and now we actually have a mascot, the honey badger. Eat your heart out Wisconson!

My idea for this meme (maybe better described as a flag) is an American flag that was the flag of the Continental Marines known as the Gadsden Flag. Featured on the flag is the Continental Marines' motto, Don't tread on me. As many of you may know, I am a Marine.

It was shortly after making this flag/meme that I saw @drakos' post featuring the original Gadsden Flag so, I knew I was on the right track.

Prior to making this post I shared the Badger Steem Flag with a couple of Discord Servers and also on Twitter™.

I wish to thank you @anomadsoul for making this challenge. I look forward to creations by our very creative community members.

As always, thank you for taking the time to read my post. I wish everyone blessings and groovy vibes today and everyday!

CHALLENGE! STEEM: The Honey Badger of Communities

This is a cross post of @sgt-dan/challenge-steem-the-honey-badger-of-communities by @sgt-dan.

This was originally posted in the OCD Community.

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