Hive A Laugh: Dick Heads Hic et ubique, or, The humors of Dublin a comedy, acted privately, with general applause Act 2 Scene 2

We know only by experience?
What is there left to do than to just "Do it".
Jump into the mystery laid ahead.

Welcome back to another quirky post by yours truly, The God Emperor of this dune planet. So dry that water is a holy of the holiness.

One of my favorite science fiction books is Dune by Frank Herbert.

(Arguably, the Dune mythos is really the story of an ERROR in this quasi-eugenicist long-range breeding program (an error induced by romantic love). The character of Paul — “Muad-Dib” — with all his powers, was not supposed to happen. Paul sets off a crusade, and his son becomes a hybrid monster, dominating the galaxy for millenia.

The person who takes the banal and ordinary and illuminates it in a new way can terrify. We do not want our ideas changed. We feel threatened by such demands. “I already know the important things!” we say. Then Changer comes and throws all our old ideas away. – The ZenSufi Master

She is starring towards the window looking outside, What does she see? Is it freedom and liberty? A desire to be free? Will she get past that tree? How will she climb it without me? Will she need help from We? Is she staring outside? Is she starring at the T.V?

Stay then and hide.
Stay there in your throne and dive
into your pride.

Stay away from the outside.
Stay alone where you hide
with Jekyll and Hyde.


Hive in hebrew with examples Also Where is the royal honey at? In the screenshot of course! Screenshot

"Could be made into memes! wink wink nudge nudge"

Free ideas for everyone woohoo....

Nothing new under the sun here just more of the same stuff everywhere around. When is the last time you have star gazed in the night sky without a worry about city lights getting in the way?

Was a few winters ago working at the Mines of Moria that I was gained access to a shining rooftop of glittery jewels. To high for this dwarf to reach.


"Theurgy is one thing and Necromancy is another... The internal master of the Theurgist is the Intimate. The internal master of the Necromancer is his Guardian of the Threshold to whom they call the guardian of their consciousness, the guardian of the precinct, the guardian of their chamber, the guardian of their sanctum... The Intimate is our Divine Spirit, our Real Being, our Internal Angel. The Guardian of the Threshold is the internal depth of our animal “I.” The Intimate is the ardent flame of Horeb. In accordance with Moses, the Intimate is the Ruach Elohim who sowed the waters in the beginning of the world. He is the Sun King, our Divine Monad, the Alter Ego of Cicerone. The Guardian of the Threshold is our Satan... our internal beast, the source of all of our animal passions and brutal appetites... The Real Being of the Theurgist is the Intimate. The superior “I” of the Necromancer is the Guardian of the Threshold. The powers of the Intimate are divine. The powers of the Guardian of the Threshold are diabolic. The Theurgist worships the Intimate. The Necromancer worships the Guardian of the Threshold. The Theurgist avails himself with the power of his Intimate in order to perform his great works of practical magic. The Necromancer worships the Guardian of the Threshold for his works of black magic." - Samael Aun Weor, The Revolution of Beelzebub


There is a root from which all knowledge has emerged. Humanity has many names for it; we call it Gnosis.
gnosis (-g·no·sis): From Greek γνῶσις. Knowledge.

Gimel The 6th letter in the english alphabet "G". Or the third letter in the hebrew aleph-bet
T.R.H.(The Royal Honey)

It is pronounced in the throught like Guh. Gutters, Gullable, Gimel. "G"

It is a combination of Iod and Vav

Iod or Yod

Vav or Vau

Just sharing what I have been reading up on today. rehearsing the letters to better pronounce the letters I am rehearsing. I feel progress. My notes in my notebook sure do show it. Sorry, no camera unfortunately. "steal", work for one or get gifted one?

Hmn, Let the mystery begin.


The Prologue.

Our Author wrote this Play, but cannot tell
Whether or no his genius has done well.
Mark well then what hee'l say, and doubtless you
Will swear though't be not quaint, yet most is true.
Heres no Ʋtopian stories, nor such things,
As some men fain, that flye upon the wings
Of fancy only, and include the station
Of their own projects in imagination.
Experience dictates what we have to say,
She being guide, I marvel who can stray.
Hear't out with patience, for we'l all contend
To please you all, and not a Mome offend.


Act 2 Scene 2

Enter Contriver, solus.


DUll Drones — a little pains might drein a bog, me-thinks — as easily as the Fens, and here's a great many. Ile about it presently, left the amphibius Dutch prevent me. But how shall this be done? Thus —

(Enter Phantastick and Hic)

the Bogs lie near the Mountains, which will afford me earth enough to dam'em up: but first Ile lay a foundation of hurdles, such as Dublin is built on, to support that Masse of Earth. So it shall be; tis as clear as a Mathema∣tical Demonstration. The benefit that will redound hereby, will be triple. First a vast quantity of unprofitable Acres made arable, next a discovery (it may be) of gold and silver Mines, which the barrennesse of the Mountains demonstrate: and lastly metamorphosing a mountainous into a Champian Coun∣trey. Here's the worst on't, I shall loose my name by't. The The King will confer on me little lesse than the Title of Duke of Mountain, Earl of Monah, or Lord Drein-bog.


Surely Gog Magog ne'r talkt thus.


A good reason why, he ne'r had that this fellow has.


What's that prithee?


A Maggot in's head as big as a Congre Eel.


I do not think but a as swallow'd Euclids Elements.


How do ye Mr. Contriver? are ye well?


Yes, pray how do you?


Never better; the Duke of Ʋtopia lives not merrier than us; we eat, drink, and sleep, without the least care; for our hearts are so continually oil'd by good liquor, that they are antidoted against sorrow.


For how long?


The question's grosse, pray let the thought thereof trouble you as little as it does us: We'l ne'r want it while we have any thing, and when we ha't not, we'l try our credits and rack 'em.


And that's the way to crack 'em.


Not so, as long as we have bold faces to back 'em.


To rime to that, I wish you ne'r may lack 'em.


What, bold faces?


No, I mean your Credits; Phantastick, be rul'd by me, and Ile make thee a man.


Why what dost make on me now, an Asse?


No, I'me serious; the foundation of your well-being cannot be laid firm upon such sandy bottoms, as the tenure of your discourse discovers.


You talk like your self, full of projects, and ne'r a won worth a blew bead: but what wudst a have me to do?


This very day did I find in an old Map, O Braseel with its height; that there is such a place, is without doubt, and as report goes, very rich, and inhabited by very ignorant people: this I'd have thee do; let me have thy moneys to carry on the design, and ne'r fear, but this working pate will soon make a discovery.


Prithee good Solomon simple set thy heart at rest, I have better things to employ my money about.


Well, think what you please of me, had I but money enough now, I've a hundred projects to encrease it by.


What an Asse art thou to trouble that contriving sconce of thine with vain Chimeraes: had I so much money as thou speakest of, I would tell thee how I would dispose of it: first, my house shud be built by such rare Architects; every one an Archimedes, (or a Sebastian Shyrley at least), that the sight thereof shud strike the spectators into an amazement, or Gorgon like convert em into Statues: my Gardens and Walks there∣in shud be composed of nothing but pleasure, in whose shady Meanders Venus shud have a thousand Chappels of ease. But chiefly my Cellars shud be throug'd with all sorts of rich Wine, and shud be free for all good fellows. My Larders replenisht with Neats tongues, Westphalia hams, Potargo, Cavere, Olioes, and such like; all for to relish our liquor: and then Jesters, Musitians, and exquisite beaucies shud be our menial servants.


You wud permit me to be your Poet to compose Songs for your Musick, and provoke your dul'd desires by amorous Sonnets.


Prithee do'nt interupt me: to be short, whatever nature produces to be extremely delightfull, that wud I possess my self of, neither wud I enjoy this alone excepting my Concu∣bines.


Twas well you made that exception; for that stable that admits of all sorts of horses to litter in, now and then meets with a running Nag.


Pray on Sir, about your Ʋtopia.


I wud keep open house for all roaring Blades, and one part of my pastime shud be to make e'm drunk: the Gen∣try shud ride home in Coaches, and the servants follow after in wheelbarrows.


Mad, stark mad. When you have obtain'd your wishes, will you not reserve a place for me?


By all means, why thou shudst be my contriving Cocks-comb, or my Fool, but that I fear thou hast not wit enough.


I am bound to thank you Sir, but this discourse suits not with my businesse: you may please your self for a while in your own fond conceits, and soon after see the folly of 'em.


See how the Maggot bites



Well, I see our purposes run in two several channels, therefore it will be needless to entertain any further discourse.


Fare you well with your plots, let us mind our plea∣sures.


End Of Scene 2


"The first teaching that comes from nature is to stand alone. Do not depend upon the assistance of others for your well-being..."

M, Lord God of Truth Within


It may seam "jumpy" or kangaroo behaviour, but in my head It makes sense to study in the fashion that I do. It keeps my interest alive.

Lamed Tav and tav again. (La|Te|T) in hebrew means "give" or to give.

Lamed is the hanged man. the 12th card of the Greater Arcanum in the Tarot

Using the "Eternal Tarot" also used in the book "Tarot and Kabalah by Samuel Aun Weor"

Tav the 22 letter is the card of The Fool. Otherwise it is "zero" in other more recent versions.

Using Numerology As is required in kabalah for kabalah is also the study of numbers.

12 + 22 + 22 is 56. 5+6=11 11 is Justice appears in the breaking down of the word Give in Hebrew (latet)
1+1=2 The High Priestess

12 The Hanged Man followed by 22 The fool 22 The fool again
Lamed=12 1+2=3 3= The Empress (Gimel)
Tav=22 2+2=4 4= The Emperor (Daleth)

What relation does The Hanged Man and the fool have in relation to Latet (give)?

The letter ד Daleth is shaped with two lines, one horizontal and one vertical, and the simplicity of its form belies its incredible depth. Like all the Hebrew letters, ד Daleth has many levels of significance and conveys a type of spiritual wisdom that will escape the intellect. To comprehend ד Daleth you have to approach it intuitively because just like the three letters that come before it, it can mean many things depending on the context and where it appears.

We know that horizontal and vertical represent the masculine and feminine.
We know that in the conjoining is the holy trinity united

In Hebrew, (Gnosis) is called דעת Daath; the first letter of דעת Daath is Daleth.

Gnosis or Daath, is located in the throat.

Gnosis/Daath in the Throat

Hope you enjoyed some surface information in regards to what I do. I don't want to stray anyone from any internal wisdom search so I won't give too much away. These studies are my own, and I am mixing it up with learning hebrew and then after all is said and done, some reflection of my most current "dreams"


Started with falling from the sky into an stone house. 3 baby kittens appeared and one was picked up by sophia my cat. I turned towards the back of this stone house and saw my grandmother sit on the pedestal of the empty stone house, She gave no word but her image. Then "V" showed herself as well, completely tattooed in black ink.

(dream morph)

I then crossed a bridge that layed beyond the stone. where 2 children played in the beginning end. I climbed up the bridge and in the middle I was met by 2 playing poker. and 1 just sitting there. I was invited to play but decided nay. The player that wasn't playing took a gamble and won the first hand. I continued walking across the bridge,...


Awaken by the sound of Fire. The wood stove I have stuffed with wood at midnight ontop of the ashes took to flame just before Alba.


Cheers and I hope you had a wonderful laugh. If not, oh well, me neither. Too cold to be laughing but certainly am jittery and full of glee (internally) today this day of saturnus.

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