Love , Last Chance

Hello Readers !

Everyone yearns for a fairy-tale ending, a universal desire among us. It's indeed a blessing to enjoy a flourishing love life and a prosperous career, essentially a joyful family. But does this truly unlock the door to life's happiness, particularly when it comes to establishing a family? The answer is a resounding NO. Why, you may ask? Because even amidst profound love, without the pillars of RESPECT, TRUST, and FAITH in GOD, your love loses its significance. To delve deeper, particularly for the young minds curious about family life, I have a tale to unfold. I hope it imparts some wisdom. I may not be a master storyteller or an accomplished writer, but I request your patience as I share this story.

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Once again, I am Angelica, also known as JHEA, and I'm here to share my love story. Back in 2014, I met a man named Eliezer, who later became my live-in partner. Eliezer was quite the catch - handsome, fair-skinned, tall, with a striking nose. He had a cool demeanor but also a bit of a rebellious streak. He was considered a heartthrob at his school. If you asked the girls, they would likely label him as the "Perfect Guy." However, being less confident about my looks, I never imagined that someone like him would be interested in me. But as the saying goes, you can't dodge Cupid's arrow.

One memorable night, we had our first jamming session with his friends and me. We had a blast, singing along to our favorite songs and exchanging jokes. Suddenly, a beetle flew in and landed on Eliezer. The guy, known for his tough exterior, let out a scream like a girl . Yes, you read that right. Despite his bad-boy image, he was terrified of beetles. At that moment, I couldn't contain my laughter. My laughter was so loud; it felt like it was echoing through the speakers.

During His Teenage Days

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From that moment on, the beetle incident sparked a mutual interest between us. We began spending more time together, and he would often come to pick me up from home on his scooter. Then, one day, he mustered up the courage to ask me to be his girlfriend, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement and joy. It was a truly "kilig" moment that sent shivers down my spine. Initially, I had some reservations about saying yes, considering that we both had average looks. However, his persistence and unwavering pursuit convinced me otherwise. So, I took a leap of faith and said yes to him, and our relationship blossomed beautifully. We were filled with happiness until we made the decision to take the next step and live together.

It's a Yes



After a few months of being together, I found myself facing an unexpected turn of events - I discovered that I was pregnant. As a 17-year-old, I wasn't prepared for the responsibilities and challenges that came with this news. However, life has a way of surprising us, and we had to confront the reality of the situation head-on. Together, we made the courageous decision to inform our families about my pregnancy, bracing ourselves for their reactions. Thankfully, our families embraced the news with open hearts and minds, offering their support and understanding during this crucial time in our lives.

Hi Baby Bump

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As the months went by, I noticed a significant change in Eliezer's behavior. He became distant, often arriving home late from work, and it seemed like he had lost his sense of self. By the time I reached the fifth month of my pregnancy, it had become our routine for him to leave for work at 8 am and return late at night. Whenever I inquired about his whereabouts, he would respond with frustration, saying, "Leave me alone! I'm not a child for you to monitor."

As my pregnancy progressed to the ninth month, with my belly growing larger and experiencing physical discomfort, my journey of being pregnant took a dark turn. I found myself sinking into a state of depression. It was during this challenging time that I made a heartbreaking discovery - Eliezer was involved in illegal drug use. The revelation shattered the foundation of respect we once had for each other, but despite the turmoil, the love between us remained.


On June 10, 2015, the long-awaited day arrived, and I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Sean Caizer. It was a moment of pure joy and relief as we finally laid eyes on our precious bundle of joy. The anger and disappointment I had felt towards Eliezer seemed to fade away in the presence of our newborn.

However, our happiness was short-lived as a terrifying incident unfolded. Our baby boy was in critical condition, as he had not passed stool for nearly 24 hours. His little tummy was bloated, he was vomiting a green substance, and his complexion had changed. Panic and fear gripped me as tears streamed down my face. My baby, who had become my source of strength, was now fighting for his life.

In a desperate attempt to save our baby, we urgently sought medical help. Since I had given birth at a birthing home, we had to rush to a private hospital in Cebu City. Inside the taxi, I clung to my innocent child, crying and praying fervently. I pleaded for his survival, even if it meant sacrificing my own life.

The journey to the hospital was filled with anxiety and uncertainty, but I held onto hope, praying for a miracle that would bring our baby back to health.

The First Photo of my Child


As we arrived at the hospital, my tears continued to flow uncontrollably, and I rushed towards the emergency room, consumed by worry and fear. It was a challenging situation, considering I had recently given birth and still had a fresh stitches in my private area. However, the pain was insignificant compared to the urgency of getting help for my baby.

After undergoing tests and examinations, it was determined that my baby needed to be taken to the operating room. My husband and I anxiously waited in our room, clinging to hope and praying for our baby's survival. It was surreal to think that our newborn would have to undergo surgery at such a tender age.

At precisely 10 pm, our baby was brought back to our room, and we were overwhelmed with gratitude towards God. Despite our shortcomings and mistakes, our prayers had been answered. The operation had been successful, and our baby was diagnosed with Hirschsprung Disease.

After the Surgery


To be continued ....

I look forward to reconnecting with you in the continuation of my story on my upcoming blog. Until then, stay tuned for the next chapter, where we will delve deeper into the twists and turns of this captivating tale. Thank you for your continued support and readership. See you soon on the next installment of my blog!

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