Una Traición Dolorosa para Missary - Reto de Escritura [ESP - ENG]

_Missary y la traicion del Rey.png
☆Imagen de portada sacada de Pixabay, portada hecha en Canva☆

Hola ✨gente linda✨ de Hive🍯🐝 NFTGame📉🎮 Latino, deseo se encuentren bien y estén teniendo un bonito día💐☀️. Hoy comparto con ustedes mi participación al reto de escritura📝 de War of Clans⚔️ que me emociono cuando lo vi pero, no les voy a mentir, no soy muy buena haciendo historias pero me gusta ver que cosas puedo sacar de mi imaginación. La historia que les comparto hoy es algo trágica pues, Missary va en busca de un gran misterio para poder calmar el dolor que guarda en su corazón💔...¡Sin mas que decir comencemos!

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

_Missary and the King's Betrayal.png
☆Cover image taken from Pixabay, cover made in Canva☆

Hello ✨cute people✨ of Hive🍯🐝 NFTGame📉🎮 Latino, I wish you are well and having a nice day💐☀️. Today I share with you my participation to the War of Clans⚔️ writing challenge📝 I got excited when I saw it but, I'm not going to lie to you, I'm not very good at making stories but I like to see what things I can get out of my imagination. The story I share with you today is a bit tragic because Missary goes in search of a great mystery in order to calm the pain she keeps in her heart💔...Without further ado, let's start!


Missary era un pequeño niño curioso por el mundo que lo rodeaba siempre quería ver que cosas sucedían en su entorno y salir a explorar en el bosque que no quedaba muy lejos de su casa, el problema de su curiosidad era que no podía saciarla, sus padres no lo dejaban salir, muy poco se lo permitían, ya que el lugar donde vivían estaba en constantes guerras y el lugar más seguro donde podían estar era en su pequeña casa escondida muy cerca del bosque.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

Missary was a little boy curious about the world around him, he always wanted to see what was going on around him and go out to explore in the forest that was not far from his home, the problem with his curiosity was that he could not satisfy it, his parents did not let him go out, very few allowed him to do so, since the place where they lived was in constant wars and the safest place where they could be was in their little house hidden very close to the forest.

Su padre era uno de los guerreros más importantes del reino, de hecho era el guerrero protector del rey, por lo que siempre se encontraba fuera de casa dándolo todo por el reino... Un día como cualquier otro, su padre llegaba a casa luego de un tiempo en batalla, todos estaban felices, al caer la noche cuando todos dormían cayo una emboscada sobre la casa de Missary, el padre estaba muy confundido y anonadado no sabia como habían encontrado los enemigos su hogar, ni si quiera sus compañeros de trabajo, ni el rey, sabían donde vivían... Por la desesperación, la madre y el padre dejaron ir a Missary por la puerta trasera, le dijeron que podía ir a explorar todo lo que quisiera, que fuera en busca de todo lo que le pareciera curioso y que podía tardarse todo lo que quisiera, para Missary quien era tan solo un niño que apenas podía entender la situación muy feliz se despidió de sus padres y se marcho.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

His father was one of the most important warriors of the kingdom, in fact he was the warrior protector of the king, so he was always away from home giving everything for the kingdom... One day like any other, his father came home after a time in battle, everyone was happy, at nightfall when everyone was sleeping an ambush fell on Missary's house, the father was very confused and dumbfounded, he did not know how the enemies had found his home, not even his co-workers, nor the king, knew where they lived... Out of desperation, the mother and father let Missary go through the back door, they told him that he could go and explore as much as he wanted, to go in search of everything that seemed curious and that he could take as long as he wanted, for Missary who was just a child who could barely understand the situation very happily said goodbye to his parents and left.

A pesar de ser de noche este pequeño niño no le temía a la oscuridad pues era luna llena y su resplandor bastaba para poder ver todo con claridad, caminaba por el bosque mientras veía todo a su alrededor, habían cosas que antes ya había visto pero otras que no, hasta que se encontró con una flor la cual le pareció tan bonita que pensó que a su madre le encantaría, fue ahí cuando decidió volver a casa. Al llegar a casa se encontró con una escena terrible...Su madre había sido atacada por los guerreros del reino enemigo y su padre había desaparecido.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

Despite being at night this little boy was not afraid of the dark because it was a full moon and its brightness was enough to see everything clearly, he walked through the forest while he saw everything around him, there were things he had seen before but not others, until he came across a flower which seemed so beautiful that he thought his mother would love it, that's when he decided to return home. When he arrived home he found a terrible scene... His mother had been attacked by the warriors of the enemy kingdom and his father had disappeared.

La madre de Missary agonizaba, mientras que él en completo shock intentaba hacer lo posible para ayudarla y no permitir que muriera, hizo todo lo que pudo, pero lamentablemente su madre murió, antes de morir sus ultimas palabras fueron; "Tu padre ha sido secuestrado por los enemigos pero él pronto estará de vuelta y volveremos a estar juntos. No debes llorar, se un niño fuerte y valiente. Estaré bien y tu querido padre también...El rey hará algo para encontrarlo"

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

Missary's mother was in agony, while he in complete shock tried to do his best to help her and not let her die, he did everything he could, but unfortunately his mother died, before she died his last words were; "Your father has been kidnapped by the enemies but he will soon be back and we will be together again. You must not cry, be a strong and brave boy. I will be fine and so will your dear father...The king will do something to find him."

Missary dejo la flor sobre su madre, no podía dejar de pensar en lo que le había dicho, en el fondo de su corazón sentía que algo no andaba bien, su padre no volvería y mucho menos que el rey haría algo al respecto, tenia tanto odio y rencor hacia los del reino enemigo que sabia cual era su misión. Iría a la capital de su reino a buscar ayuda, para convertirse en alguien fuerte y llegar a ser un guerrero honorable como lo fue su padre, incluso el protector del rey, y así fue como pasaron los años.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

Missary left the flower on his mother, he could not stop thinking about what he had told her, deep in his heart he felt that something was not right, his father would not return and much less that the king would do something about it, he had so much hatred and resentment towards those of the enemy kingdom that he knew what his mission was. He would go to the capital of his kingdom to seek help, to become someone strong and become an honorable warrior as his father was, even the protector of the king, and that was how the years passed.

Pasado 20 años de aquella tragedia Missary había logrado su objetivo, era un guerrero honorable y la mano derecha del rey, pero aun no estaba satisfecho, sentía la necesidad de saber como acabó su padre y quién lo hizo, pero, por más que investigara e indagara entre los registros de los ataques de aquellos años, nada había sido registrado, es como si nunca hubiese pasado. En ese momento supo que debía contarle su historia al rey, para ver si de esta manera obtendría información. Lo que el no se esperaba era que escucharía una conversación que tuvo el rey con el viejo sabio.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

After 20 years of that tragedy Missary had achieved his goal, he was an honorable warrior and the right hand of the king, but he was still not satisfied, he felt the need to know how his father ended and who did it, but, no matter how much he investigated and investigated among the records of the attacks of those years, nothing had been recorded, it was as if it had never happened. At that moment he knew he had to tell his story to the king, to see if this way he would get information. What he did not expect was that he would hear a conversation the king had with the old sage.

El viejo sabio era un brujo adivino, quien le comento que pronto se descubriría la verdad de aquella noche, faltaba menos tiempo del esperado y que si no hacia algo al respecto el hijo que había dejado aquel guerrero tan honorable acabaría con su reinado, el rey muy furioso le grito diciendo que no se sabría nada y si eso llegaba a pasar mataría de inmediato al hijo de ese mediocre guerrero. Missary al escuchar todo esto supo de inmediato que hablaban de su padre, por lo que muy enojado supo lo que había ocurrido.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

The old wise man was a soothsayer sorcerer, who told him that soon the truth of that night would be discovered, there was less time than expected and that if he did not do something about it the son who had left that honorable warrior would end his reign, the king very angry shouted saying that he would not know anything and if that happened he would kill immediately the son of that mediocre warrior. Missary upon hearing all this knew immediately that they were talking about his father, so very angry he knew what had happened.

El rey había mandado a secuestrar a su padre, aún confundido decidió marcharse antes de que se dieran cuenta que Missary se encontraba escuchando a escondidas. El brujo dijo en un tono tranquilo; "Ya es tarde, el secreto ha sido revelado". El rey inmediatamente se altero y mando soldados, guerreros y guardias a que examinaran todo el castillo.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

The king had sent for his father to be kidnapped, still confused he decided to leave before they realized that Missary was eavesdropping. The sorcerer said in a calm tone; "It is too late, the secret has been revealed". The king immediately became alarmed and sent soldiers, warriors and guards to examine the entire castle.

Mientras Missary se encontraba yendo a un calabozo muy profundo que había debajo del castillo, el paso estaba prohibido para todos menos para el viejo sabio y el rey, él podía sentir que tal vez ese lugar tenia coincidencia con lo sucedido a su padre y lo que había escuchado. Al entrar en ese calabozo, se encontró con la espada de su padre, quien la tomo en su momento de desesperación aquella noche, junto con lo que parecía ser sus restos. Habian encerrado al padre de Missary por razones que desconocía, y aunque quisiera investigar un poco mas allá no podía hacerlo ya que era muy tarde... El rey y el viejo sabio estaban detrás de él.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

While Missary was going to a very deep dungeon that was under the castle, the passage was forbidden to all but the old sage and the king, he could feel that perhaps that place had a coincidence with what happened to his father and what he had heard. Upon entering the dungeon, he found the sword of his father, who had taken it in his moment of despair that night, along with what seemed to be his remains. Missary's father had been locked up for reasons unknown to him, and although he wanted to investigate further he could not do so because it was too late.... The king and the old sage were behind him.

El rey confeso su crimen y, aunque no dijo la razón por la cual lo hizo dio a entender que le tenia mucho desprecio a su padre, Missary enojado intento atacar para tomar venganza, pero, antes de que pudiera hacer algo el viejo sabio lanzo un hechizo dejándolo inmóvil luego el rey alzo su espada y lo mato al instante.

Ahora Missary, su padre y madre volverían a estar juntos, justo como se lo había prometido su madre aquel día...

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

The king confessed his crime and, although he did not say the reason why he did it, he implied that he had much contempt for his father, Missary tried to attack in anger to take revenge, but, before he could do anything the old sage cast a spell leaving him immobile, then the king raised his sword and killed him instantly.

Now Missary, his father and mother would be together again, just as his mother had promised him that day...


Y bueno gente linda esto ha sido todo por el post de hoy, espero les haya gustado tanto como a mí💖🌷, debo decir que no soy nada buena haciendo historias ya que mi creatividad para estas cosas es muy loca😧, me gustaría saber que opinan ustedes. ¿ Por qué creen que el rey traiciono a Missary de esta manera? ¿Habrá muerto en paz Missary? Los estaré leyendo👀 en los comentarios. Las imágenes🖼️ fueron sacadas de la IA WOMBO. ¡Gracias por haber llegado hasta aquí, nos vemos la próxima!(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)>🥐

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

And well pretty people this has been all for today's post, I hope you liked it as much as I did💖🌷, I must say that I'm not good at making stories since my creativity for these things is very crazy😧, I would like to know what do you guys think, why do you think the king betrayed Missary in this way? Will Missary have died in peace? I will be reading them👀 in the comments. The imágenes🖼️ was taken from the IA WOMBO. Thanks for making it this far, see you next time!(≧▽≦)>🥐


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