[ESP/EN] Jhon Mejia (el Productor de Musica) / Risingstar

Jhon Mejia, the record producer


Hola a todos los usuarios de Hive NFTGame Latino y de @risingstargame

Como actividad de la comunidad esta esta de elaborar un Concurso la historia de la semana

Hello to all

Hive NFTGame Latino and @risingstargame users.

As a community activity this is to elaborate a Story of the week contest


En una de esas entrevistas de radio un joven periodista le hace la pregunta a su invitado Jhon Mejia, un productor de una disquetera famosa, asi que estas notas son tomadas directo de su historia.

In one of these radio interviews, a young journalist asks the question to his guest Jhon Mejia, a producer of a famous record label, so these notes are taken directly from his story.



Jhon: pues si , es difícil de creer, aunque ustedes no lo crean, soy de las personas mas contradictorias para estar en este puesto.
Soy de familia muy humilde.

Desde muy temprana edad, mis padres y yo ,salíamos a vender frutas en la plaza de mercado, y pues puede que alli es donde desarrolle ese tono de voz de llamar la atención, al gritar y ser escandaloso de una forma que la gente volteara a ver nuestros productos.

Jhon: Yes, it is hard to believe, although you may not believe it, I am one of the most contradictory people to be in this position.
I come from a very humble family.

From a very early age, my parents and I used to go out to sell fruits in the market place, and maybe that's where I developed that tone of voice of calling attention, shouting and being loud in a way that people would turn to see our products.



Siempre pregonando a voz a todo pulmón, como el típico vendedor ambulante que oyes a la distancia venir a tu barrio, y sabes que debes salir a comprarle algo, pues ya distingues su voz.

un buen dia un tío llego de un viaje con pomadas hechas a base de mariguana y me pidió que le ayudara a venderlas.
Asi que por ganarme unos pesos, llamaba la atencion del publico.

Always hawking at the top of his lungs, like the typical street vendor that you hear in the distance coming to your neighborhood, and you know you have to go out and buy something from him, because you can already tell them by recognizing their voice.

One day an uncle came back from a trip with some ointments made from cannabis and asked me to help him sell them.
So to earn a few bucks, I would attract the attention of the public.



Pero para mi sorpresa, mi tío, tenia una jerga de culebrero, si hablo de esos tipicos vendedores que conversan hasta por los codos inventando charlatanería de su producto milagroso multiusos hasta que el cliente se convence de que lo necesita y lo compra.

En los pocos meses que el estuvo mi tio en el pueblo, aprendi un monton de tecnicas para engatusar gente a punta de parlotear cosas en voz rapida. Y pues asi gane mucha dicción, se me entendía todo claro a la primera palabra y la gente se cautivaba con mi llamado.

Obvio que mi padre me reprendió, decia que vender pomada de mariguana se prestaba para malas lenguas, que perderiamos clientes frecuentes de la venta frutas, si me veian ellos vendiendo eso, pensarian que consumo drogas y me verian con malos ojos.

But to my surprise, I thought he needed help because he was shy, but my uncle had a con man's lingo, yes I'm talking about those typical salesmen who talk their heads off inventing blather about their multi-purpose miracle product until the customer is convinced that he needs it and buys it.

In the few months that my uncle was in town, I learned a lot of techniques to cajole people by chattering things in a fast voice. And so I gained a lot of diction, I understood everything clearly at the first word and people were captivated by my call.

Of course my father reprimanded me, he said that selling cannabis ointment lent itself to evil tongues, that we would lose frequent customers from the sale of fruits, if they saw me selling that, they would think I was using drugs and they would look at me with bad eyes.



Añado que aprendí bastante de mi tio, un dia un periodista de radio local, estaba visitando nuestro barrio, por los tipicos concursos de decir una frase emblema de la emisora.

Y pues al hablar con mi jerga de culebrero, mucha gente se cautivo, al punto de que me llamaban ocasionalmente a esa emisora, para que hiciera alguna cuña publicitaria, a veces de una tienda de ropa, una panaderia o un producto de limpieza como jabones, cremas de dientes y detergentes para lavar ropa.

I add that I learned a lot from my uncle, one day a local radio journalist was visiting our neighborhood, for the typical contests to say a phrase emblem of the station.

Well, speaking with my charlatanism, many people were captivated, to the point that I was occasionally called to that station, to do some advertising, sometimes for a clothing store, a bakery or a cleaning product such as soaps, toothpaste and laundry detergents.



Al comienzo no podía creer que pese a mi edad de 13 años, ya habia cautivado a varios oyentes. Obvio que yo no era locutor, solo el chico que aparecía de vez en cuando en un comercial de radio haciendo publicidad.

Un dia mi tio, simplemente le dijo a mi padre que entre los dos me iban a pagar una carrera de comunicaciones, (ya que veian el potencial que podria tener), asi que apenas termine el bachillerato a los 16, me inscribieron en una universidad.

At first I couldn't believe that despite my age of 13, I had already captivated several listeners. Of course I was not an announcer, just the boy who appeared from time to time in a radio commercial advertising.

One day my uncle simply told my father that between the two of them, they were going to pay for a career in communications, (since they saw the potential I could have), so as soon as I finished high school at 16, they enrolled me in a university.



Cabe decir que en debates politicos nadie me ganaba, ya que hablaba tanta basura cautivante, que mis profesores me calificaban aun sin exponer nada directo del tema.
Osea, me decian la clase de hoy es de sociales, terminaba hablando de otra cosa, sea economía, chismes de famosos, e igual me calificaban sobresaliente.

Creo que irme por las ramas y cantinflear a punta de jerga culebrera me dio ese don de entretener al oyente.

Terminada la carrera empece a ser mis practicas en una emisora de radio local.

It must be said that in political debates nobody could beat me, since I talked so much captivating garbage, that my teachers graded me even without exposing anything directly on the subject.

I mean, they would tell me that today's class was about social studies, and I would end up talking about something else, be it economics, celebrity gossip, and they would still grade me with good grades and A's.

I think that going off the deep end and narrating nonsense at the end of my speeches gave me the gift of entertaining the listener.

Once I finished my degree, I started my internship at a local radio station.



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Obviamente solo presentaba una tanda de 2 horas de musica por radio tomando los pedidos de los oyentes, pero mi carisma fue tan brutal, que termine luego dirigiendo una jornada completa de 5 am a 6 pm, cabe decir que me relevaban 3 locutores en el turno de noche, pero bueno, asi poco a poco me di a conocer en la radio.

Los taxistas, las amas de casa, los vigilantes o porteros de edificios, se conectaban en mi turno de radio, mucho carisma, chistes, picardia e interacción fogosa entre el publico, me hizo ganar mucho ranking en la radio

Obviously I only presented a 2 hour round of music on the radio, taking the requests of the listeners, but my charisma was so brutal, that I ended up directing a full day from 5 am to 6 pm, I must say that I was relieved by 3 announcers in the night shift, but well, little by little I became known on the radio.

Cab drivers, housewives, security guards or doormen of buildings, connected in my radio shift, a lot of charisma, jokes, mischief and fiery interaction between the public, made me win a lot of ranking in the radio.



Un dia comun y silvestre, simplemente estaba entrevistando a cantantes famosos que vienen a promocionar su nuevo albun, en una transmision por radio, tuve una quimica fue tan poderosa con aquel artista, que terminamos siendo amigos fuera de trabajo.

Uff, sobra decir, tengo un parlamento para hablar horas y horas de cada hit musical de radio, me se cada letra, cada lyrics, cada historia patria del cantante, al punto que se mas de ellos mismos que su propia madre, ja, ja, ja.

One fine day I was simply interviewing famous singers who come to promote their new album, obviously in a podcast radio broadcast, I had a chemistry that was so powerful with that artist, that we ended up being friends outside of work.

Uff, needless to say, I have a speech to talk for hours and hours about every radio hit, I know every lyric, every personal story of every singer, to the point that I know more about them than their own mother, ha ha ha ha.



Lo divertido del caso es que él vio que yo era una enciclopedia musical andante, y él sin pensarlo dos veces, me ofreció dirigir una de sus tantas compañías musicales.

The funny thing is that he saw that I was a walking musical encyclopedia, and without thinking twice, he offered me to direct one of his many musical companies.



Obvio que acepte, al dia de hoy tengo tanto, pero tanto conocimiento musical que he sido juez en mas de 15 realitys show de factor X, y pues tengo el oido tan bien entrenado que siempre ando en busca de una nueva estrella para la radio, sea novato con talento, un desconocido en la calle, o un famoso que quiere cambiar de profesión.

Y no es broma, un amigo que era diseñador de modas, con sus cadenas de almacenes, lo oi cantar tararenado cuando lo encontre por casualidad en un metro, y le dije: oye, deberias ser cantante...y pues yo lo volvi una estrella.

Cheff de cocina, barrenderos, tu abuela en la ducha y hasta tu loro con autotune, yo lo convierto en oro si les veo potencial.

Of course I accepted, today I have so much, but so much musical knowledge that I have been a judge in more than 15 X factor reality shows, and I have such a well trained ear that I am always looking for a new star for the radio, be it a talented newcomer, an unknown on the street, or a famous person who wants to change his profession.

And I'm not kidding, a friend of mine who was a fashion designer, with his chain stores, I heard him humming when I met him by chance in a subway, and I told him: hey, you should be a singer...and I made him a star.

Kitchen chefs, street sweepers, your grandmother in the shower and even your parrot with autotune, I turn them into gold if I see potential in them.



Y esta es la historia de Jhon Mejia el productor de musica.

And this is the story of Jhon Mejia, the record producer.

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