KNIGHT - De pescador a general historia [Esp/Eng]

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Buenas, chicos, espero que se encuentren bien el día de hoy les comparto mi entrada a War of Clans - Reto de escritura creativa sobre el humano "KNIGHT" [ES/EN] les dejo el link para que ustedes si gustan puedan participar en tan grandioso reto de escritura 😁.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

Hello guys, I hope you are well today I share my entry to War of Clans - Creative writing challenge about the human "KNIGHT" [ES/EN]
I leave you the link so that if you like you can participate in such a great writing challenge 😁.

La historia comienza con pequeño niño pescador y su padre quienes conversan en el bote sobre que la pesca ha estado muy floja estos últimos días y que solo han podido pescar unos cuantos pescados estos últimos días, y su padre le comenta a su hijo llamado Rob que tal vez deberían dedicarse a la agricultura, ya que si siguen así se morirán de hambre, pero la charla del padre es interrumpida por un grito de su hijo el cual dice ¡Padre los hemos encontrado! Y cuando su padre va a revisar su red de pesca está llena de muchos pescados.

Es así como se disponen a vender los pescados y también agarran una parte para ellos para comer. La vida de ellos era humilde, pero Vivían bien, Rob solo tenía a su padre, ya que su madre había muerto a darle a luz y su padre era lo único que tenía, Rob era muy buen hijo y también era muy bueno en su labor como pescador y destripar los pescados lo hacía con una facilidad increíble, puesto que tanto usar esos cuchillos lo habían hecho un maestro con el manejo de estos.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

The story begins with a little fisherman boy and his father who are talking on the boat about how the fishing has been very slow these last few days and that they have only been able to catch a few fish these last few days, and his father comments to his son named Rob that Maybe they should dedicate themselves to agriculture, since if they continue like this they will die of hunger, but the father's talk is interrupted by a cry from his son who says, Father, we have found them! And when his father goes to check his fishing net it is full of many fish.

This is how they prepare to sell the fish and also take a part for themselves to eat. Their life was humble, but they lived well, Rob only had his father, since his mother had died giving birth to him and his father was the only thing he had, Rob was a very good son and he was also very good at his work. As a fisherman and gutting the fish he did it with incredible ease, since using those knives so much had made him a master in handling them.



Un día común y corriente Rob y su padre pescaban y mientras pescaban una de las redes se enganchó en el pie del padre de Rob y esto hizo que con la fuerza de las corrientes y los peces que habían atrapado arrastrara al padre al agua sumergiéndolo junto con eso Rob al ver este salto corriendo al mar a ayudar a su padre, pero por ser tan pequeño no podía ayudarlo incluso intentando cortar las redes los cuchillos no eran los suficientes afilados para cortar estas redes.
Rob salió a la superficie y vio unos soldados y les pidió su ayuda, pero estos solo dijeron "Por qué ayudaríamos a un sucio pescador"

Rob volvió a intentar ayudar a su padre, pero ya era demasiado tarde, Rob vio morir a su padre justo en frente de sus ojos.

A las horas llegaron un grupo de pescadores quienes ayudaron a sacar al padre y se lo entregaron a Rob, quien con lo poco que tenían compro unas leñas y ramas y cremo a su padre.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

One ordinary day Rob and his father were fishing and while they were fishing one of the nets got caught in Rob's father's foot and this caused the force of the currents and the fish they had caught to drag the father into the water, submerging him along with When Rob saw this jump, he ran into the sea to help his father, but because he was so small he couldn't help him, even trying to cut the nets, the knives were not sharp enough to cut these nets.
Rob surfaced and saw some soldiers and asked for their help, but they only said "Why would we help a dirty fisherman?"

Rob tried again to help his father, but it was too late, Rob saw his father die right in front of his eyes.

A few hours later, a group of fishermen arrived and helped remove the father and handed him over to Rob, who with the little they had bought some firewood and branches and cremated his father.



Luego de eso habían pasado 5 largos años y la cara de esos solados a Rob no se le había olvidado en todo este tiempo que había pasado, había dejado la pesca y se ha enlistado en el ejército donde pulió sus habilidades a un nivel muy bueno donde llamo rápidamente a los altos mandos del ejército a quienes al ver esto lo ponían al mando de escuadrones completos de soldados para ser misiones especiales.

Rob llamaba mucho la atención de por sí, ya que su armadura era distinta a los demás, había hecho que su armadura reflejara un color azul fuerte como del mar, haciendo referencia a su padre y el mar donde tanto trabajaban. Y así fueron pasando los y Rob no era un simple soldado, ya era general de las fuerzas del rey, pero, esto no era lo que buscaba, sino que buscaba a esos hombres quienes no lo ayudaron cuando les pidió ayuda y cuando por fin los encontró bueno....... los dejo a su imaginación solo les digo que recibieron lo que merecían por las palabras que dijeron.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

After that 5 long years had passed and Rob had not forgotten the faces of those soldiers in all this time that had passed, he had left fishing and enlisted in the army where he polished his skills to a very good level where He quickly called the senior army commanders who, upon seeing this, put him in command of entire squads of soldiers for special missions.

Rob drew a lot of attention in itself, since his armor was different from the others, he had made his armor reflect a strong blue color like the sea, referring to his father and the sea where they worked so much. And so they passed and Rob was not a simple soldier, he was already a general of the king's forces, but, this was not what he was looking for, but he was looking for those men who did not help him when he asked them for help and when he finally found them. found good....... I leave you to your imagination, I just tell you that they received what they deserved for the words they said.



Es así como concluye esta historia Rob no buscaba ni fama ni gloria, solo quería dar con estos 2 hombres y luego de hacer esto se dice que fue un general muy querido quien ayudaba a todo el que necesitara, también que se casó y tuvo una gran esposa y unos gemelos.

ENGLISH VERSION (click here!)

This is how this story concludes. Rob was not looking for fame or glory, he just wanted to find these 2 men and after doing this it is said that he was a very beloved general who helped everyone who needed, also that he got married and had a great time. wife and twins



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