ROB- Risingstar [ES/EN].

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Un productor como ninguno formo su marca que es reconocida por grabar a los mejores artistas, las canciones mas sonadas de la actualidad fueron grabadas en su estudio, algunas fueron letra de sus composiciones, es muy competitivo y siempre trata de hacer que alguna canción logre llegar al top, si entras a su estudio no veras los premios porque los tiene guardados en una habitación aparte, lo que si veras en una fila de músicos primerizos tratando de llegar a rob para que este les grabe alguna canción, algunos pensaran que es fácil solo pagar y rob hará su trabajo pero no es así rob le gusta hacer artistas antes que canciones es el mejor porque todos los que entran a su estudio llegan a ser top en cualquier genero musical.

Pero quien fue Rob en su pasado que lo hizo tan popular entre los músicos, Rob en su juventud como todo soñador queria ser musico sus padres lo inscribieron en una academia de música haciendo que aprendiera a tocar algunos instrumentos, mientras aprendía le encantaba crear y tocar los estilos que el prefería, aunque en muchas ocasiones fue regañado por no seguir la reglas y ordenes del profesor, termino sus escuela y luego venia la universidad soñaba con entrar a una universidad donde todo fuera de música, rob nunca se involucro en los esfuerzos que hacían sus padres para pagar su matricula y comprar sus instrumentos, en una ocasión escucho a su madre hablar por teléfono en donde pedía prestado dinero para terminar de pagar la escuela de música esto hizo de Rob se diera cuenta todo lo que estaba causando esto , así que empezó a preguntarse como hacer dinero con lo que ya sabia.

Mientras Rob caminaba por una plaza de la ciudad vio a varios músicos que eran buenos incluso mejor que el entonces pensó que hacerles competencia no seria bueno así que se acerco a hablar con ellos y preguntar acerca de como ganaban dinero , todo dependía de lo que las personas donaran pero que solo alcanzaba para sobrevivir , Rob pregunto si ellos habían buscando grabar canciones y los músicos le dijeron que si pero que los estudios eran muy costosos y que luego hacer sonar las canciones de la radio era mucho mas difícil sin un estudio. Esto cambio el enfoque de Rob en cuanto a lo que queria hacer.

Su interés por la música cambio ahora sabia como hacer dinero con la música siendo musico, Rob busco trabajo en una radio como ayudante de producción para aprender todo lo necesario luego de 5 años ya sabia manejar todos los equipos y era muy conocido en la estación, luego con sus ahorros compro equipos y en su casa inicio su estudio casero donde experimento grabando música y creando pistas, luego de unos cuantos años mas rob ya tenia cientos de pistas grabadas, aun así su meta no estaba lograda por eso quiso intentar vender sus pistas a otros estudios , luego de ofrecer sus pistas nadie estaba interesado pero con el pasar del tiempo un estudio reviso algunas pistas y quiso comprar algunas.

Con el pasar del tiempo otros estudios compraron sus pistas , lo cual le hizo hacer su propia empresa y ganar ingresos que ni el mismo pensaba, algunos artistas se enteraron que estas pistas eran de Rob y fueron personalmente a grabar con el, hasta que se corrió la voz a otros artistas y Rob tenia mucho trabajo en lo que el queria lograr y hacer. Rob nunca se rindió en lo que queria lograr y usando su inteligencia logro que su trabajo rindiera frutos, para ser conocido como unos de los mejores productores del pais.

Join @risingstargame and live the adventure of becoming a great artist.




A producer like no other formed his brand that is recognized for recording the best artists, the most popular songs of today were recorded in his studio, some were lyrics of his compositions, he is very competitive and always tries to make a song reach At the top, if you go into his studio you will not see the awards because he has them stored in a separate room, what if you see in a line of first-time musicians trying to reach Rob so that he can record a song for them, some will think that it is easy alone pay and rob will do his job but that's not the case rob likes to make artists before songs he is the best because everyone who enters his studio becomes a top in any musical genre.

But who was Rob in his past that made him so popular among musicians? In his youth, Rob, like every dreamer, wanted to be a musician. His parents enrolled him in a music academy, making him learn to play some instruments. While he was learning, he loved to create and play. the styles that he preferred, although on many occasions he was scolded for not following the teacher's rules and orders, he finished school and then came college. He dreamed of entering a university where everything was about music, Rob never got involved in the efforts that he What his parents did to pay his tuition and buy his instruments, on one occasion he heard his mother talking on the phone where she was asking to borrow money to finish paying for music school. This made Rob realize everything that was causing this, so who began to wonder how to make money with what he already knew.

While Rob was walking through a city square he saw several musicians who were good, even better than him, so he thought that competing with them would not be good, so he approached them to talk to them and ask about how they made money, it all depended on what the companies did. people donated but it was only enough to survive, Rob asked if they were looking to record songs and the musicians told him yes but that the studios were very expensive and that then getting the songs played on the radio was much more difficult without a studio. This changed Rob's focus on what he wanted to do.

His interest in music changed now he knew how to make money with music as a musician. Rob looked for a job at a radio station as a production assistant to learn everything necessary. After 5 years he already knew how to handle all the equipment and was well known at the station. Then with his savings he bought equipment and at home he started his home studio where he experimented with recording music and creating tracks. After a few more years, Rob already had hundreds of tracks recorded. Even so, his goal was not achieved, so he wanted to try to sell his tracks. to other studios, after offering their tracks no one was interested but as time went by a studio reviewed some tracks and wanted to buy some.

As time went by, other studios bought his tracks, which made him start his own company and earn income that he didn't even think about. Some artists found out that these tracks were Rob's and went personally to record with him, until he ran out. the voice to other artists and Rob had a lot of work on what he wanted to achieve and do. Rob never gave up on what he wanted to achieve and using his intelligence he made his work pay off, becoming known as one of the best producers in the country.

Join @risingstargame and live the adventure of becoming a great artist.




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