Eric- Risingstar [ES/EN].

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Eric un idol que tiene lo que todo artista soñaría, su fama llega a tal punto de tener un club de fanáticas que están atentas a todo lo que el hace, en cada presentación el lugar se llena de fanáticas, su genero musical es el pop con letras que muy juveniles y bailables, su talento en el canto es natural su voz llega a ser única, por ultimo complementa su presentación con rutinas de baile que se vuelven tendencia entre sus fanáticos, le gusta tener participación con el publico acercándose a cantar con ellos sus canciones mas populares.

Eric también le gusta colaborar con las necesidades de sus fanáticos creando un centro de ayuda emocional no solo para su publico si no para el publico en general, esto hace que las personas vean a eric como un artista que esta mas cerca de sus fanáticos, en ocasiones se presenta en el centro de ayuda para saludar a las personas que están solucionando sus problemas , pero por que eric creo esto y que lo hizo tan famoso.

Siendo mucho mas joven eric no eran popular en su secundaria al contrario fue el chico que no tenia muchos amigos, a eric no le gustaba hablar en publico y era muy tímido al hablar con chicas, la mayor parte del tiempo estaba leyendo libros o estudiando, solo tenia un amigo que compartía con el la afición por los libros, al ser un chico muy tranquilo otros lo fastidiaban por no ser popular esto era lo que mas odiaba eric, un día su único amigo le dice que un grupo se presentara en la secundaria estos eran idols un termino que eric no conocía. Llego el día y la secundaria era una fiesta todos tenían que ver con la presentación de los idols.

Eric no sabia que no tendrían clases pero eran libres de asistir al evento, llego la hora y la música empezaba a sonar , un grupo de chicos salieron al escenario todos gritaban sus nombres y bailaban sus canciones, esto dejo a eric impresionado y por primera vez sintió emocionado, el evento y la música creaban otro ambiente, eric queria hacer eso también y se propuso aprender por lo menos a cantar. Eric al llegar a su cada investigo todo acerca de los idols a tal punto que en un mes ya conocía todos los grupos idols, empezó a estudiar música por su cuenta mediante libros y a practicar canto en su casa de forma autodidacta.

Al graduarse de la secundaria , ya habían pasado unos años desde que estudio sobre los idols y seguía practicando y mejorando sus habilidades, su amigo le aviso de que habría un casting para una academia de idols en donde buscarían a un único miembro faltante y empezar una carrera de idol , eric se presenta ese día y al llegar había cientos de jóvenes esto lo desmotivo a tal punto de querer abandonar, pero recordó todo el sacrificio por el que paso practicando por su cuenta y alguien tenia que ver su talento. Luego de esperar horas llego su turno y el reto era cantar varias canciones mientras bailaba rutinas conocidas, eric logro pasar la prueba sin problemas llegando a tener un puntaje alto pero no tenia muchas esperanzas ya que no era el favorito habían otros chicos que llamaban mas la atención.

Al esperar los resultados llaman a unos 10 chicos y en un salón les hicieron ultimas pruebas de canto, al pasar la hora uno de los jueces le pregunta a cada uno de que escuela de música vienen ya que la academia necesita un registro de lo que han aprendido, cuando llega el turno de eric este se torna nervioso y responde que había aprendido de forma autodidacta en su casa, entonces el juez supo que había encontrado al miembro que faltaba ya que eric demostró que la perseverancia es un talento natural.

Join @risingstargame and live the adventure of becoming a great artist.




Eric, an idol who has what every artist would dream of, his fame reaches the point of having a club of fans who are attentive to everything he does, at each presentation the place is filled with fans, his musical genre is pop with lyrics that are very youthful and danceable, his talent in singing is natural, his voice becomes unique, finally he complements his presentation with dance routines that become a trend among his fans, he likes to have participation with the public by coming to sing with them his most popular songs.

Eric also likes to collaborate with the needs of his fans by creating an emotional help center not only for his audience but for the public in general, this makes people see Eric as an artist who is closer to his fans, in Sometimes he shows up at the help center to greet people who are solving their problems, but why did Eric create this and what made him so famous.

Being much younger, Eric was not popular in his high school. On the contrary, he was the boy who did not have many friends. Eric did not like speaking in public and was very shy when talking to girls. Most of the time he was reading books or studying. He only had one friend who shared with him a love of books. Being a very quiet boy, others teased him for not being popular. This was what Eric hated the most. One day his only friend told him that a group would appear at high school. These were idols, a term that Eric did not know. The day arrived and high school was a party, everyone had to do with the presentation of the idols.

Eric did not know that they would not have classes but they were free to attend the event, the time came and the music began to play, a group of boys came out on stage, everyone shouted their names and danced to their songs, this left Eric impressed and for the first time He felt excited, the event and the music created another atmosphere, Eric wanted to do that too and he decided to at least learn to sing. When Eric arrived home, he researched everything about idols to the point that in one month he already knew all the idol groups. He began to study music on his own through books and to practice singing at home in a self-taught way.

Upon graduating from high school, it had been a few years since he studied idols and he was still practicing and improving his skills, his friend told him that there would be a casting for an idol academy where they would look for a single missing member and start a idol race, Eric showed up that day and when he arrived there were hundreds of young people, this discouraged him to the point of wanting to give up, but he remembered all the sacrifice he went through practicing on his own and someone had to see his talent. After waiting for hours, his turn arrived and the challenge was to sing several songs while dancing known routines. Eric managed to pass the test without problems, reaching a high score, but he did not have much hope since he was not the favorite, there were other boys who called him more. attention.

While waiting for the results, they called about 10 boys and in a room they gave them final singing tests. As the hour passed, one of the judges asked each one which music school they came from since the academy needed a record of what they had done. learned, when Eric's turn comes he becomes nervous and responds that he had taught himself at home, then the judge knew that he had found the missing member since Eric demonstrated that perseverance is a natural talent.

Join @risingstargame and live the adventure of becoming a great artist.




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