Enjoy the Fellowship of Brethrens

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Not forsaking or neglecting to assemble together [as believers], as is the habit of some people, but admonishing (warning, urging, and encouraging) one another, and all the more faithfully as you see the day approaching. (Hebrews 10:25)


Following the outbreak of COVID-19, churches all around the globe were forced to halt temporarily as a way of preventing spread. Although we all still worshipped God, prayed and sang praises in our respective homes, we all missed the mass gatherings and corporate worship.

But I'm glad that churches have been opened a bit allowing for services to hold. The Bible admonishes us to always fellowship together and frequently as brethrens in the household of faith. When we fellowship together, we get to share the word of God, we also get to encourage, chatise, correct and pray for one another.

As such we should not despise or refrain from fellowshipping with our brothers and sisters in the faith. Personally, I get to be revived and encouraged each time I fellowship with others. It is one of the ways of growing one's faith. During fellowships and corporate Bible studies, one gets to be taught more about the word of God.

Fellowship with Brethren is indeed a great opportunity to learn and grow in the knowledge of the word. However, we should not only be church goers but we should be able to live and follow after the teachings of the Bible.


What I learnt from the message that was being shared in church today includes;

  • As a Child of God that wants to end well in life and in the faith, always follow the good examples. You should not toe the paths that led some to destruction and damnation.
  • Always take out time to study and meditate upon God's word
  • Do not resist God and the gospel.
  • Live a peaceful and a humble life.
  • And most importantly, be obedient to God.

When we do according to the word of God, our lives will definitely be productive and fruitful.

Ephesians 4:3-4
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.***

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