Work the Cause of God.


Our holy life testifies of our inner justice. Whoever has justice in his heart cannot be a callous and selfish person. Rather, it is strengthened day after day and transformed into the image of Christ. He who is sanctified by the truth will govern himself and follow in the footsteps of Christ until the grace of Christ that overshadows him leads him to eternal glory.

The righteousness by which we receive justification is imputed to us, and the righteousness with which we are sanctified gives us strength. The first opens the entrance to Heaven, the second makes us fit for life in Heaven.

God calls those who want to be his co-workers. In union with Christ, human nature is cleansed of all impurities.

Christ empowers us with his power, and we become capable of doing good. Truthfulness and purity are properties of God's character, and those who acquire them will also have an invincible power of action.

The church does not need the lazy, fearful and unfaithful, whose lack of faith and unwillingness to renounce their "I" hinder the progress of God's work. What is needed are Christians who are distinguished by true zeal and do not retreat before any task, and who are able to shudder at the severity of the journey, and their hearts and minds reflect the likeness of God.

Today, opportunities and advantages open to us that were not accessible to believers of past centuries. We have a great fullness of light, which came to us through the selfless work of the faithful ascetics, who put all their hope in God and received from him the power to illuminate the world with the brilliant rays of the Gospel.

But the fullness of light that we have today forces us to more active and zealous work, which distinguished the faithful of past centuries, working in harmony with the light received. They worked hard and hard to learn the precious lessons at Christ's school, and their work was not in vain.

As time went by, the work of the faithful was generously rewarded. They made an alliance with the most powerful force of all the existing ones in the Universe, but they still did not consider themselves reached. They sought a deeper and more complete understanding of the truths associated with eternal salvation in order to introduce their perishable world.

Today's world needs those who multiply their gifts to better show people drowning in evil the beauty of the Kingdom of God.

The acquisition of knowledge is necessary, since the knowledge used in the work of God is a great power for good.

The world needs thinking and principled people who constantly improve their thinking. In the printing business, there is a need for capable workers who spread the truth, who, on the wings of the wind, can carry it to all tribes, languages ​​and people.

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