God: Our Healer

Greetings, beloved of God!

We have and serve a God that has no limits or boundaries. There is nothing that our God cannot do except He does not delight in doing it.

Today, I just want to remind everyone reading this publication that we have a God who can heal all manner of infirmities, diseases or viruses. He is the greatest healer and He is the healer of healers.


It is no more news that the world has been hit by a killer and highly destructive pandemic. So far, according to news and reports, many have lost their lives, many are currently infected and are also at the risk of losing their lives considering the fact that no cure or antidote has been discovered just yet.

Worst case scenario, the virus is spreading from one country to another. Panic and fear has taken over everyone.

Friends, it is in times like this that we need to seek God and cry to Him. God alone can save the world from this deadly pestilence. He alone can heal the land.

So, I would like you wherever you are to pray that God should heal the earth. He says that, 'If we humble ourselves and seek His face that He (God) will hear us and heal our diseases.

Looking for solutions and cure is not a bad idea but we need to first seek the face of the Lord. In your closets, pray for the affected countries and individuals. God will heal us and take this virus away from us.

God bless you!

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